How to sum up the individual fields of the object

2020-04-05 19:08发布


I have a method which is calculating nutrients for a list of object which we are receiving from API request call.

The method looks like:

public Nutrients nutrientsCalculator(DailyMeals dailyMeals) {

    String foodNamesForRequest = prepareFoodNamesForRequest(dailyMeals);

    HttpEntity<NutrientsBodyForRequest> requestBody = prepareRequestForAPICall(foodNamesForRequest);

    ResponseEntity<List<FoodNutritional>> response =
        //create request here

    if (nonNull(response.getBody())) {

      double totalFat = response.getBody()

      double totalProtein = response.getBody()

      double totalCarbohydrates = response.getBody()

      double totalDietaryFiber = response.getBody()

      return Nutrients.builder()
    return new Nutrients();

My FoodNutritional.class looks like:

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
class FoodNutritional {

  private String foodName;

  private String brandName;

  private Integer servingQuantity;

  private String servingUnit;

  private String servingWeightGrams;

  private Double calories;

  private Double totalFat;

  private Double saturatedFat;

  private Double cholesterol;

  private Double sodium;

  private Double totalCarbohydrate;

  private Double dietaryFiber;

  private Double sugars;

  private Double protein;

  private Double potassium;

My solution in method works but I started thinking If it is possible to rid off this sum stream method boilerplate for this approach.

All I want to achieve is summing single fields: totalFat, protein, dietaryFiber, totalCarbohydrate and return them as a components fields of a new object.

I will be grateful for suggestions on how to improve the quality of the current version of the code.


On the weekend I spent a moment to found a different, additional approach that will meet the requirements and is a little bit more functional. Finally, I created two static methods like:

private static Nutrients reduceNutrients(Nutrients n1, Nutrients n2) {
    return Nutrients.builder()
        .protein(n1.getProtein() + n2.getProtein())
        .carbohydrates(n1.getCarbohydrates() + n2.getCarbohydrates())
        .dietaryFiber(n1.getDietaryFiber() + n2.getDietaryFiber())
        .fat(n1.getFat() + n2.getFat())

  private static Nutrients fromFoodNutritionalToNutrients(FoodNutritional foodNutritional) {
    return Nutrients.builder()

and after all I used it like:

Stream<FoodNutritional> foodNutritionalStream = Optional.ofNullable(response.getBody()).stream()

Nutrients nutrients = foodNutritionalStream
        .orElseThrow(() -> new CustomException("custom_exception");

Nonetheless, greetings for @Koziołek, @Nir Levy and @Naman for being my muse. Thanks for every single commitment.


Let introduce class NutritionAccumulator:

class NutritionAccumulator{
    private double fat = 0.;
    private double carbs = 0.;
    private double fiber = 0.;
    private double protein = 0.;

    public NutritionAccumulator() {

    public NutritionAccumulator(double fat, double carbs, double fiber, double protein) {
        this.fat = fat;
        this.carbs = carbs;
        this.fiber = fiber;
        this.protein = protein;

    public NutritionAccumulator add(NutritionAccumulator that){
        return new NutritionAccumulator(this.fat + that.fat,
        this.carbs + that.carbs,
        this.fiber + that.fiber,
        this.protein + that.protein

And now we can write simple stream reduce:

                        new NutritionAccumulator(),
                        (acc, fudNut) -> new NutritionAccumulator(


And finally you can pass result from above to builder.


You can use Stream.reduce method for that, just need to create a NutrientsAggregator that will know to add the values from FoodNutritional to itself and sum everything

public class NutrientsAggregator {
   private double calories;
   private double totalFat;
   private double saturatedFat;
   private double cholesterol;

   public NutrientsAggregator addFoodNutritionalValues(FoodNutritional foodNutrional) {
      this.calories += foodNutrional.getCalories();
      this.totalFat+= foodNutrional.getTotalFat();
      this.saturatedFat+= foodNutrional.getSaturatedFat();
      this.cholesterol+= foodNutrional.getCholesterol();

      return this;

and than:

NutrientsAggregator result = response.getBody()
          .reduce(new NutrientsAggregator(), 
                  (aggregator, food) -> aggregator.addFoodNutritionalValues(food);


How about using a Supplier<Stream<T>>> to create a reusable Stream something like :

Supplier<Stream<FoodNutritional>> foodNutritionalSupplier = () -> Optional.ofNullable(responseBody)
return Nutrients.builder()

where responseBody corresponds to the response.getBody() in the question.

Or further to using a utility to abstract out the core logic, such as :

private Nutrients nutrientsCalculator(List<FoodNutritional> responseBody) {
    Supplier<Stream<FoodNutritional>> foodNutritionalSupplier =
            () -> Optional.ofNullable(responseBody).stream().flatMap(List::stream);
    // should ideally be as simple as 'responseBody::stream'
    return Nutrients.builder()
            .carbohydrates(sumNutrition(foodNutritionalSupplier, FoodNutritional::getTotalCarbohydrate))
            .protein(sumNutrition(foodNutritionalSupplier, FoodNutritional::getProtein))
            .fat(sumNutrition(foodNutritionalSupplier, FoodNutritional::getTotalFat))
            .dietaryFiber(sumNutrition(foodNutritionalSupplier, FoodNutritional::getDietaryFiber))

private Double sumNutrition(Supplier<Stream<FoodNutritional>> foodNutritionalSupplier,
                            ToDoubleFunction<FoodNutritional> nutritionTypeFunction) {
    return foodNutritionalSupplier.get().mapToDouble(nutritionTypeFunction).sum();