I'm with a big error here. I'm trying to change the actionbar menus with the supportInvalidateOptionsMenu(); but when the function is executed, the application closes, without errors.
The strange thing is that everything works normally on my Galaxy Nexus (4.2.2), but does not work in my friend's mobile (android 4.0.3) nor in my emulator with android 2.1
Here is my code:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
actionbar = getSupportActionBar();
myWebView = (WebView) findViewById(R.id.webview);
myWebView.addJavascriptInterface(new WebAppInterface(this), "Android");
public class WebAppInterface {
SherlockActivity mActivity;
WebAppInterface(SherlockActivity c) {mActivity = c;}
public void setrefreshon() {showRefresh = true; mActivity.supportInvalidateOptionsMenu();}
Can someone help me? :/