This is as simple as it gets. Make RGB image, one pixel big. Set pixel value to (a,b,c). Save. Problem is, the saved image has a different pixel value then (a,b,c). Usually, with +-1 on one of the channels, as if it were random noise, but its consistent. Heres the code:
from PIL import Image
newImg ='RGB', (1,1), "black")
pixels = newImg.load()
pixels[0,0] = (0,3,0)"point.jpg")
savedImage ="point.jpg")
pixelsSaved = savedImage.load()
print pixels[0,0]
print pixelsSaved[0,0]
The output from this is: (0, 3, 0) (1, 3, 0)
If I use (4, 2, 0) as the pixel to save, the output is: (4, 2, 0) (3, 2, 0)
and (0,10,0) gives: (0, 10, 0) (0, 10, 1)
for example.
Why does the value change upon saving? How do I prevent it? Please help.