Basically trying to edit a website with Excel VBA. The edits appear to work, but when I use the save button, nothing is saved. I know the save button works, explained below. So why isn't my updated data, which is visible on the screen being saved?
The story:
I have this code I have been working on for awhile with Excel VBA. It opens a webpage in internet explorer, navigates where I want, fills out a bunch of data, all which show up on the screen, using various methods, such as:
For Each objElement In objElementColl
ExtractedName = objElement.outerHTML
If InStr(ExtractedName, "NewPermit") > 0 Then
objElement.Checked = True
Set DropDown = objHTML.getElementById("ProjectFile-AccreditedCertifierId")
DropDown.selectedIndex = 1
objHTML.getElementsByName(ElementName)(0).Value = ValueCheck
All of which work very well, and changes on the screen. I then click save by using:
Set objElementColl = objHTML.getElementsByClassName("btn")
For Each objElement In objElementColl
ExtractedName = objElement.outerHTML
If InStr(ExtractedName, "click: save, enable:") > 0 Then
ExtractedName = 1
Exit For
End If
Which again works fine. The issue is that it doesn't actually save my changes from the code from the 3pieces above. What i have tried is
a) Pause my code and manually click save (same issue)
b) Pause my code, manually change a checkbox and run the code to save (does save the manual change, but not the coded ones
c) Pause the code and manually change a box and manually save (only manually changed box is saved)
So, from above, it appear my save click works, but for some reason, although the boxes are visibly changed and filled out using the code, there is a gap between the visible and the background.
Anyway, some HTML source code. Is what chrome shows me when Inspecting an element I am changing:
<div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-md-6">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xs-2 form-group">
<label for="ProjectFile_ProposalLot">Lot</label><input class="form-control" data-bind="textInput: ProjectFile().ProposalLot" maxlength="100" name="ProjectFile-ProposalLot" type="text" />
<div class="col-xs-2 form-group" data-bind="visible: ProjectFile().StateId() != 7 && ProjectFile().StateId() != 5">
<label data-bind="text: ProjectFile().ProposalDpLabel()"></label>
<input class="form-control" data-bind="textInput: ProjectFile().ProposalDp" maxlength="100" name="ProjectFile-ProposalDp" type="text" />
I have also searched the entire source code for the page... I believe this might be important, but I am not a HTML coder. I have shortened it a bit
var ProjectFileEditViewModel=(function(){__extends(ProjectFileEditViewModel,ViewModel.Model);function ProjectFileEditViewModel(){ProjectFileEditViewModel.__super__.constructor.apply(this,arguments);};ProjectFileEditViewModel.prototype.fields=function(){return {"Id":new ViewModel.NumberField(0),"StateId":new ViewModel.NumberField(0),"DefaultOfficeAddressId":new ViewModel.ObservableField(),"Name":new ViewModel.ObservableField(),"ExistingApprovalDate":new ViewModel.DateField("DD/MM/YYYY"),"ProjectClosed":new ViewModel.ObservableField(),"ProposalAddress":new ViewModel.ObservableChildField(exports.AddressViewModel,this),"Zoning":new ViewModel.ObservableField(),"ProposalLot":new return ProjectFileEditViewModel;})();if(exports.ProjectFileEditViewModel==null)exports.ProjectFileEditViewModel=ProjectFileEditViewModel;
There is also this... again much longer:
Buildaform.model=new Buildaform.ProjectPageViewModel({ ... ,"ProposalLot":null .... }
I think this last one has something to do with it, and I do not know if I can change it.
For the bad news, I cannot release the website address or source code publicly. But please PM me, and I can work something out.