I'm using the amazing library MPAndroidChart. It works like a charm, except when I'm trying to change the background color of the BarData. Default color is white, and I want to change it to Transparent.
I've tried this :
Paint p1 = mChart.getPaint(Chart.PAINT_GRID_BACKGROUND);
and this:
... but it seems that doesnt works.
Any ideas ?
Thanks =)
Since release v1.6.5, the background of the Chart
is transparent by default. Meaning, that everything in the background (chart background, other Views
, etc.) that is not overlayed by data drawn into the Chart
, will be visible.
If you want to change the background (color, or maybe drawable), you can either do that by changing the chart-background
- in .xml (
- by calling
or setBackgroundResource(...)
Another way could be to change the background of the parent layout that contains the Chart
Code to change Background color:
chart.setBackgroundColor(Color.TRANSPARENT); //set whatever color you prefer
chart.setDrawGridBackground(false);// this is a must
if you want to Change Whole Screen Background Color
Barchart chart;
chart.setBackgroundColor(Color.rgb(0, 0, 0));//Set as a black
chart.setDrawGridBackground(false);//set this to true to draw the grid background, false if not
Happy to help Thanks
So, after some research, I've found that it's not possible yet: https://github.com/PhilJay/MPAndroidChart/issues/53
Hope It will be possible soon ! =)