This code is used to download a pdf via blob. It works fine on every browser except Safari 12 for macOS and iOS. Even Safari 11 works. When I run the code the very first time, it works fine, but every time after that it gives me "WebKitBlobResource error 1"
function downloadFileFromBlob(fileBlob, fileName) {
if (/\bMSIE\b|\bTrident\b/.test($window.navigator.userAgent)) {
$window.navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(fileBlob, fileName);
} else {
var fileURL = $window.URL.createObjectURL(fileBlob);
createDownloadElementAndClick(fileURL, fileName);
function createDownloadElementAndClick(fileURL, fileName) {
var anchorElement = $window.document.createElement('a');
anchorElement.href = fileURL; = '_blank'; = fileName;
var event = $window.document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
event.initEvent("click", true, false);
Apparently this is a Safari 12 bug that sometimes happens. It's not fixed by target = "_self"
, which pertains to a different regression bug.
Until the bug is fixed, the ugly workaround is:
- Send the blob to the server which saves the file remotely.
- Download the remote file.
Javascript Code
async createDownloadElementAndClick(blob, fileName) {
let options = {
await fetch(``, options);`${fileName}`, "_self");
PHP Code
In upload.php:
// add any authentication code as necessary here
// gets entire POST body
$data = file_get_contents('php://input');
$filename = "temp/download.pdf";
// write the data out to the file
$fp = fopen($filename, 'wb');
fwrite($fp, $data);
In download.php:
// This is the line that tells Safari to download the file instead of opening it
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=$file");
header("Content-type: application/pdf", false);
// This deletes the pdf so there is little chance of contaminating the next call
It seems that it is the target = "_blank"
that is not working. I have replaced it with _self
, which apparently solved the problem. I found this when I had the same issue.
If someone has a idea on why we cannot use _blank
I would love to hear that.