I'm using the Google Place API for place search:
After the first query of the api, I'm getting the next page by setting the pagetoken. If I wait 2 seconds between requests, it works, but I notice that if I make the next query right after the previous one, it returns the status INVALID_REQUEST.
Is this some kind of rate limiting? I don't see this anywhere in the documentation.
Since each request has 20 places, getting a list of 100 results will take over 10 seconds which is a long time for someone to wait using an app.
It is documented, see the documentation
By default, each Nearby Search or Text Search returns up to 20 establishment results per
query; however, each search can return as many as 60 results, split across three pages. If
your search will return more than 20, then the search response will include an additional
value — next_page_token. Pass the value of the next_page_token to the pagetoken parameter of
a new search to see the next set of results. If the next_page_token is null, or is not
returned, then there are no further results. There is a short delay between when a
next_page_token is issued, and when it will become valid. Requesting the next page before it
is available will return an INVALID_REQUEST response. Retrying the request with the same
next_page_token will return the next page of results.
Although I'm not 100% sure this is the cause, I will leave this answer here as it took me around 6 hours to figure this out and may help someone.
As pointed out by geocodezip in his answer, there is a slight delay between the next page token being returned and that page actually being available. So I didn't find any other way to fix it other than making use of some sort of sleep
But what I did find out is that every request after the first INVALID_REQUEST
response were also giving an INVALID_REQUEST
response, no matter if I waited 1, 2 or 10 seconds.
I suspect it has something to do with a cached response from Google's Part. The solution I found is to append a random incremental new parameter to the URL as to make it a "different" URL, therefore requesting a cacheless response.
The parameter I used was request_count
and for every request made, I incremented it by 1.
For illustration purpose, here's the Python POC code I used (do not copy-paste as this is just a POC snippet and won't work):
# If except raises, it's most likely due to an invalid api key
# The while True is used to keep trying a new key each time
query_result_next_page = None
google_places = GooglePlaces(api_key)
invalid_requests_found = 0
request_count = 0
while True:
request_count = request_count + 1
query_result = google_places.nearby_search(
lat_lng={'lat': event['latitude'], 'lng': event['longitude']},
# If there are additional result pages, lets get it on the next while step
if query_result.has_next_page_token:
query_result_next_page = query_result.next_page_token
except Exception as e:
# If the key is over the query limit, try a new one
if str(e).find('OVER_QUERY_LIMIT') != -1:
logInfo("Key "+api_key+" unavailable.")
api_key = self.get_api_key()
# Sometimes the Places API doesn't create the next page
# despite having a next_page_key and throws an INVALID_REQUEST.
# We should just sleep for a bit and try again.
elif str(e).find('INVALID_REQUEST') != -1:
# Maximum of 4 INVALID_REQUEST responses
invalid_requests_found = invalid_requests_found + 1
if invalid_requests_found > 4:
raise e
# If it is another error, different from zero results, raises an exception
elif str(e).find('ZERO_RESULTS') == -1:
raise e
EDIT: Forgot to mention that the GooglePlaces
object is from slimkrazy's Google API lib. Unfortunatelly I had to tweak the code of the actual lib to accept this new request_count
I had to replace the nearby_search
method for this:
def nearby_search(self, language=lang.ENGLISH, keyword=None, location=None,
lat_lng=None, name=None, radius=3200, rankby=ranking.PROMINENCE,
sensor=False, type=None, types=[], pagetoken=None, request_count=0):
"""Perform a nearby search using the Google Places API.
One of either location, lat_lng or pagetoken are required, the rest of
the keyword arguments are optional.
keyword arguments:
keyword -- A term to be matched against all available fields, including
but not limited to name, type, and address (default None)
location -- A human readable location, e.g 'London, England'
(default None)
language -- The language code, indicating in which language the
results should be returned, if possible. (default lang.ENGLISH)
lat_lng -- A dict containing the following keys: lat, lng
(default None)
name -- A term to be matched against the names of the Places.
Results will be restricted to those containing the passed
name value. (default None)
radius -- The radius (in meters) around the location/lat_lng to
restrict the search to. The maximum is 50000 meters.
(default 3200)
rankby -- Specifies the order in which results are listed :
ranking.PROMINENCE (default) or ranking.DISTANCE
(imply no radius argument).
sensor -- Indicates whether or not the Place request came from a
device using a location sensor (default False).
type -- Optional type param used to indicate place category.
types -- An optional list of types, restricting the results to
Places (default []). If there is only one item the request
will be send as type param.
pagetoken-- Optional parameter to force the search result to return the next
20 results from a previously run search. Setting this parameter
will execute a search with the same parameters used previously.
(default None)
if location is None and lat_lng is None and pagetoken is None:
raise ValueError('One of location, lat_lng or pagetoken must be passed in.')
if rankby == 'distance':
# As per API docs rankby == distance:
# One or more of keyword, name, or types is required.
if keyword is None and types == [] and name is None:
raise ValueError('When rankby = googleplaces.ranking.DISTANCE, ' +
'name, keyword or types kwargs ' +
'must be specified.')
self._sensor = sensor
radius = (radius if radius <= GooglePlaces.MAXIMUM_SEARCH_RADIUS
lat_lng_str = self._generate_lat_lng_string(lat_lng, location)
self._request_params = {'location': lat_lng_str}
if rankby == 'prominence':
self._request_params['radius'] = radius
self._request_params['rankby'] = rankby
if type:
self._request_params['type'] = type
elif types:
if len(types) == 1:
self._request_params['type'] = types[0]
elif len(types) > 1:
self._request_params['types'] = '|'.join(types)
if keyword is not None:
self._request_params['keyword'] = keyword
if name is not None:
self._request_params['name'] = name
if pagetoken is not None:
self._request_params['pagetoken'] = pagetoken
if language is not None:
self._request_params['language'] = language
self._request_params['request_count'] = request_count
url, places_response = _fetch_remote_json(
GooglePlaces.NEARBY_SEARCH_API_URL, self._request_params)
_validate_response(url, places_response)
return GooglePlacesSearchResult(self, places_response)