I am creating a lot of DOM elements (each has the same HTML structure) with the <template>
<template id="weapon-template">
<div class="button">
<div class="button-price" data-price ></div>
<img class="button-image" data-image >
<div class="button-name" data-name ></div>
<div class="button-damage" data-damage></div>
<div class="button-amount" data-amount></div>
... and a few lines of JavaScript:
var clone;
var template = document.getElementById( "weapon-template" );
template.content.querySelector( "[data-image]" ).src = data.prev;
template.content.querySelector( "[data-price]" ).innerHTML = data.cost + "$";
template.content.querySelector( "[data-name]" ).innerHTML = data.name;
template.content.querySelector( "[data-damage]" ).innerHTML = data.damage;
template.content.querySelector( "[data-amount]" ).innerHTML = 0;
clone = document.importNode( template.content, true )
this.container.appendChild( clone );
I would love to add some event listeners on the cloned elements. I could not find nothing from internet and tired a couple of things my self, like:
template.content.querySelector( "[data-price]" ).addEventListener( "click", action, false );
clone.querySelector( "[data-price]" ).addEventListener( "click", action, false );
... none of these worked. I could simply do something like:
var child = this.container.childNodes[ 0 ];
var target = child.querySelector( "[data-price]" );
target.addEventListener( "click", action, false );
... but I wonder if there is another, simpler way similar to those that has not worked for me.