I want a Elixir function to generate a list of n
occurrences of an argument, similar to Haskell's replicate
Input: replicate 3 5
Output: [5,5,5]
Input: replicate 5 "aa"
Output: ["aa","aa","aa","aa","aa"]
Input: replicate 5 'a'
Output: "aaaaa"
I have made a function to "replicate" an Integer n
import String
def replicate(number, n)
String.duplicate(to_string(number), n)
|> split("", trim: true)
|> Enum.map(fn n -> String.to_integer(n) end
But that's doesn't match the specification :( . Could you help me?
def replicate(n, x), do: for _ <- 1..n, do: x
If you want the last case to return string then you should add definition for this type using guard, something like this:
def replicate(n, [x]) when is_integer(x), do: to_string(for _ <- 1..n, do: x)
def replicate(n, x), do: for _ <- 1..n, do: x
iex(1)> replicate 3, 5
[5, 5, 5]
iex(2)> replicate 3, 'a'
You can also use String.duplicate/2 and List.duplicate/2 as other suggested:
def replicate(n, x = [c]) when is_integer(c), do: String.duplicate(to_string(x), n)
def replicate(n, x), do: List.duplicate(x, n)
Also please note that Char list 'a'
and String "a"
are different things in Elixir, so ensure you understand this correctly.
And finally if this is not a home task then I'd suggest not to reinvent bicycle but directly use functions from String and List module, when possible.
Building on previous answer, but avoiding the replicate(0, :foo) bug.
def replicate(n, x), do: for i <- 0..n, i > 0, do: x