Does Rust have a set of functions that make converting a decimal integer to a hexadecimal string easy? I have no trouble converting a string to an integer, but I can't seem to figure out the opposite. Currently what I have does not work (and may be a bit of an abomination)
Editor's note - this code predates Rust 1.0 and no longer compiles.
pub fn dec_to_hex_str(num: uint) -> String {
let mut result_string = String::from_str("");
let mut i = num;
while i / 16 > 0 {
result_string.push_str(String::from_char(1, from_digit(i / 16, 16).unwrap()).as_slice());
i = i / 16;
result_string.push_str(String::from_char(1, from_digit(255 - i * 16, 16).unwrap()).as_slice());
Am I on the right track, or am I overthinking this whole thing?