Here is my code:
length(list_of_dividers(Num)) == 0.
problem_7(Current, Primes, Counter) when Primes >= 10001->
problem_7(Current, Primes, Counter) when is_prime(Counter) ->
problem_7(Counter, Primes + 1, Counter + 1);
problem_7(Current, Primes, Counter) ->
problem_7(Current, Primes, Counter).
I get error:
32> c(problem_7).
./problem_7.erl:30: call to local/imported function is_prime/1 is illegal in guard
And i can not use local function in the 'if'-expression:
if is_prime(Counter)->
problem_7(Counter, Primes + 1, Counter + 1);
true ->
problem_7(Current, Primes, Counter + 1)
I am just wondering if there is any way to use local function in guard and how can I write condition with local function?