In hindsight I should not have enabled L build stuff.
I am new to programming and I created a new Android Studio project which is throwing the Gradle errror right away.
Errors are:
yellow bar at the top - Gradle project sync failed. Basic functionality (e.g. editing, debugging) will not work properly. Try again Open Event Log Show Log in Finder
messages gradle sync - compileSdkVersion android-L requires compiling with JDK-7. open sdk settings, open file.
tried looking through google and other stack overflow comments but did not find much I could make sense of except for Android Studio - Gradle sync project failed
tried converting URL to 1.10 instead of 1.12 and syncing but that failed after syncing
I need help either getting L working or removing it so that a new studio project can compile to device without errors.
I too faced the same issue and after days of trouble I figured it out. Just check if Java is installed
- Open a Terminal window and type:
java -version
Any version above JDK 6 is OK
open -a TextEdit ~/.bash_profile
- Copy and paste the following lines of into textedit
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
export JDK_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
- Save it, close editor and type the following to apply changes
source ~/.bash_profile
Now try gradle sync now, you must be able to complete sync
The most simple solution (at least for me) would be:
Go to SDK manager (with Administrator rights), scroll down till the end, download "Android Support Library".
And it works (don't forget Administrator rights).
For me Changing the JDK path worked. I changed it to
in File--> ProjecStructure-> JDK location.
When installing Android Studio on Mac OSX Sierra, I received an error that my JVM is not valid. So I came here to a different post and installed Apple's legacy version and the up-to-date version. It worked. Then when I was creating a project I ran into another error which was the Gradle sync issue. Came here (this very post by "Mac") again and changed the JDK version that Android Studio was pointing to (obviously I chose to "detect" instead of browsing for the up-to-date version). Everything is working fine now.
A complement to igor's anwswer: for me "Android Support Library" wasn't enough. You would probably like to add "Android Support Repository" also.
As he said:
don't forget Administrator rights ;)
Mine was looking for the Java SDK in
"Macintosh_HD>System>Library>Java> etc." but my most recent update was in
"Macintosh_HD>Library>Java etc."
I set this after clicking in the error window saying 'open SDK' 'open file' which brings you to the screen where to set the path for Java.
this happen with me when I try import wrong repository
complie 'me.dm7.barcodescanner:zxing:1.7.2'
, so any one face this problem may be that be the reason
dependencies {
compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
compile ''
The most simple solution (at least for me) would be:
Go to SDK manager (with Administrator rights), scroll down till the end, download "Android Support Library".
And it works (don't forget Administrator rights).
I am using windows 7 works properly
thanks igor