OptionsRequestDenied When Uploading File to S3

2020-04-02 07:34发布


When I try to upload a JS file to S3, I get the upload error: OptionsRequestDenied. All the other files, including the JS ones have worked except this one.

The file makes some cross-origin requests using jQuery like this:

function corsRequest(callback){
  $.get("www.example.com", function(data, status){

setInterval(corsRequest, 5000);

I've tried changing the CORS settings to allow all methods:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<CORSConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/">

However, OPTIONS is not allowed and returns the error:

Found unsupported HTTP method in CORS config. Unsupported method is OPTIONS

I even created a fresh bucket and it won't upload there either.

I can't find a reference to the error in the AWS docs. Any help would be appreciated.


Hey just in case anyone runs into this in Safari as well, under Privacy you need to disable "cross-site blocking" to get this to work at least as of October 29th 2018


It seems that allowing cookies makes it work for me in Brave.


Turning off any tracking blocker extension like uBlock Origin fixed it for me.


Disable "Prevent cross-site tracking" in Privacy tab in safari settings


It's more of a workaround than solution - Safari on Mac has a problem. Chrome worked in my case.


None of the above solutions worked for me.
I was able to upload the files successfully while on home internet. Turns out my workplace network/firewall was causing the error.


In Chrome Settings under Privacy and Security, I disabled "Send a "Do Not Track" request with your browsing traffic" and it worked.


I was having this issue, didn't have an ad blocker on but did have my VPN running. Turned it off and the upload worked as normal.

标签: amazon-s3