I'm trying to understand Monad Transformers in Scala by porting some examples from this tutorial by Dan Piponi: http://blog.sigfpe.com/2006/05/grok-haskell-monad-transformers.html
I did a couple of easy ones:
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Identity
test1 = do
a <- get
modify (+1)
b <- get
return (a,b)
test2 = do
a <- get
modify (++"1")
b <- get
return (a,b)
go1 = evalState test1 0
go2 = evalState test2 "0"
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
val test1 = for {
a <- get[Int]
_ <- modify[Int](1+)
b <- get
} yield (a,b)
val test2 = for {
a <- get[String]
_ <- modify[String](_ + "1")
b <- get
} yield (a,b)
val go1 = test1.eval(0)
val go2 = test2.eval("0")
But how the heck can I port this next example to Scala?
test3 = do
modify (+ 1)
lift $ modify (++ "1")
a <- get
b <- lift get
return (a,b)
go3 = runIdentity $ evalStateT (evalStateT test3 0) "0"
I've gotten this far using scalaz 7.1.0-M6:
type SST[F[_],A] = StateT[F,String,A]
type IST[F[_],A] = StateT[F,Int,A]
val p1: StateT[Id,Int,Unit] = modify[Int](1+)
val p2: StateT[Id,String,Unit] = modify[String](_ + "1")
val p3: StateT[({type l[a]=StateT[Id,String,a]})#l,Int,Unit] = p2.liftM[IST]
but that's not even close yet, and may even be backwards for all I can tell.
Of course I can do this:
import scalaz.Lens._
val test3 = for {
_ <- firstLens[Int,String] lifts (modify (1+))
_ <- secondLens[Int,String] lifts (modify (_ + "1"))
a <- firstLens[Int,String] lifts get
b <- secondLens[Int,String] lifts get
} yield (a,b)
val go3 = test3.eval(0,"0")
but then I'm not using stacked StateT at all, so it doesn't answer the question.
Thanks in advance!
The problem is that the modify
you get with the usual imports is from State
, and isn't going to help you with StateT
It's a good idea to start with the Haskell type signature:
:: (MonadState [Char] m, MonadState s (t m), MonadTrans t,
Num s) =>
t m (s, [Char])
Which you should be able to translate into something like this:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
def test3[M[_]: Monad](implicit
inner: MonadState[({ type T[s, a] = StateT[M, s, a] })#T, String],
outer: MonadState[
type T[s, a] = StateT[({ type L[y] = StateT[M, String, y] })#L, s, a ]
mt: MonadTrans[({ type L[f[_], a] = StateT[f, Int, a] })#L]
) = for {
_ <- outer.modify(_ + 1)
_ <- mt.liftMU(inner.modify(_ + "1"))
a <- outer.get
b <- mt.liftMU(inner.get)
} yield (a, b)
It's hideous, but it's a fairly straightforward rewording of the Haskell. For some reason the compiler doesn't seem to find the outer
instance, though, so you have to help it a little:
def test3[M[_]: Monad](implicit
inner: MonadState[({ type T[s, a] = StateT[M, s, a] })#T, String],
mt: MonadTrans[({ type L[f[_], a] = StateT[f, Int, a] })#L]
) = {
val outer =
StateT.stateTMonadState[Int, ({ type L[y] = StateT[M, String, y] })#L]
for {
_ <- outer.modify(_ + 1)
_ <- mt.liftMU(inner.modify(_ + "1"))
a <- outer.get
b <- mt.liftMU(inner.get)
} yield (a, b)
Now you can write the following, for example:
scala> test3[Id].eval(0).eval("0")
res0: (Int, String) = (1,01)
Exactly as in the Haskell example.
You can clean this up a bit if you're happy with committing to Id
as the monad of the inner state transformer (as your comment suggests):
def test3 = {
val mt = MonadTrans[({ type L[f[_], a] = StateT[f, Int, a] })#L]
val outer = StateT.stateTMonadState[Int, ({ type L[y] = State[String, y] })#L]
for {
_ <- outer.modify(_ + 1)
_ <- mt.liftMU(modify[String](_ + "1"))
a <- outer.get
b <- mt.liftMU(get[String])
} yield (a, b)
It's a little less generic, but it may work for you.