I think my question will be understood better by providing the following example:
i have a table with following data:
orderid Price username paymentstatus
1 10 john unpaid
2 10 john unpaid
4 10 john unpaid
5 10 john unpaid
6 10 sam unpaid
7 10 john unpaid
8 10 john paid
I want to find all orders of (username) john where paymentstatus is "unpaid" and price total is <= 20
So the result should show following 2 lines (as order total is $20 and payment status is unpaid and username is john)
orderid Price username paymentstatus
1 10 john unpaid
2 10 john unpaid
I hope you got my point/question?
Please help.. Thanks!
Almost EXACT same question answered here. The premise is you would need another column to act as a running total for the customer in question...
I created table and simulated data exactly like your results and came up with YOUR exact results... The issue was somehow MySQL was applying the criteria TWICE per row and didn't understand how or why... I STRONGLY suspect its a bug, but can't describe it. Anyhow, I DO have a fix that forces an inner "PreQuery" as the basis, and return ALL records from that with the @SQLVars and then apply a WHERE clause from that...
select properSummed.*
( select
@RunningTotal := @RunningTotal + o.price as UnpaidSoFar
orders o,
(select @RunningTotal := 0 ) sqlvars
where o.ownerid = 1
and o.paymentstatus = 'unpaid' ) properSummed
properSummed.UnpaidSoFar <= 50
Maybe this?
FROM order_table
WHERE username = 'john'
AND paymentstatus = 'unpaid'
AND Price <= 20
But given your criteria, I would expect the results to also include orders 4, 5 and 7.
what about this:
select *
from `orders`
where paymentstatus='unpaid' and username='john'
having sum(price) <= 20