I'm trying to figure out the easiest way to test my Service Registrations method for my framework. I'm creating dynamic services my registration looks like so:
var messageHubConfig = new DynamicHubServiceConfiguration<Message, MessageDTO>();
messageHubConfig.SetDynamicHubOptions<AstootContext>(async (context, dto) =>
return await context.ConversationSubscriptions
.Where(x => x.ConversationId == dto.ConversationId
&& x.IsSubscribed)
.Select(x => x.User.UniqueIdentifier)
messageHubConfig.RequiresDynamicValidator = false;
messageHubConfig.EventMapping.AddCreateEvent(async (sp, obj, dto) =>
var conversationService = sp.GetService<IRestEzService<Conversation, ConversationDTO>>();
var conversationDTO = await conversationService.Get(new object[] { dto.ConversationId });
var hubTaskQueue = sp.GetService<IHubServiceTaskQueue>();
}).When(async (sp, dto) => {
var context = sp.GetService<AstootContext>();
return await context.Conversations.Where(x => x.Id == dto.ConversationId).Where(x => x.Messages.Count == 1).AnyAsync();
//Registers service with a hub
Inside of my Register Rest Service Method I have a lot of different services Getting registered e.g:
services.AddTransient(restServiceType, (IServiceProvider serviceProvider) =>
var restService = (IRestEzService<TEntity, TDTO>)
ActivatorUtilities.CreateInstance(serviceProvider, restServiceImplementationType);
serviceOption.EventMapping?.Register(serviceProvider, restService);
return restService;
How can I be assure that my factory configuration is being registered properly, How can I create a Service Collection for testing?