How do you convert this String into gson.JsonArray?
String s= "[["110917 ", 3.0099999999999998, -0.72999999999999998, 2.8500000000000001, 2.96, 685.0, 38603.0], ["110917 ", 2.71, 0.20999999999999999, 2.8199999999999998, 2.8999999999999999, 2987.0, 33762.0]]";
This is my Code:*;
public static void main(String[] args)
//Declared S here
System.out.println("String to Json Array Stmt");
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonElement tradeElement = parser.parse(s.toString());
JsonArray trade = tradeElement.getAsJsonArray();
Is this the way to convert this Collections string to JSonArray?
To have a string value inside your JSON array, you must remember to backslash escape your double-quotes in your Java program. See the declaration of s below.
String s = "[[\"110917 \", 3.0099999999999998, -0.72999999999999998, 2.8500000000000001, 2.96, 685.0, 38603.0], [\"110917 \", 2.71, 0.20999999999999999, 2.8199999999999998, 2.8999999999999999, 2987.0, 33762.0]]";
Your code in the main() method works fine. Below is just a minor modification of your code in the main() method.
System.out.println("String to Json Array Stmt");
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonElement tradeElement = parser.parse(s);
JsonArray trade = tradeElement.getAsJsonArray();
Lastly, remember to prefix your statement "*" with the keyword "import", as shown below.
I don't see the problem. This code runs fine for me:
public class GsonExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s= "[[\"110917\", 3.0099999999999998, -0.72999999999999998," +
"2.8500000000000001, 2.96, 685.0, 38603.0], [\"110917\", 2.71," +
"0.20999999999999999, 2.8199999999999998, 2.8999999999999999," +
"2987.0, 33762.0]]";
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser();
JsonElement elem = parser.parse( s );
JsonArray elemArr = elem.getAsJsonArray();
System.out.println( elemArr );
The only problem maybe is that you failed to properly escape the double quotes in your s string literal.
The above answers are deprecated. Here is the working code.
val outputJsonArray = JsonParser.parseString(pasteYourStringHere).asJsonArray
Here is the Deprecated Message. We have to call the static method instead.