I have an input
event and a keydown
event bound to a textbox in angular. In keydown event function I'm recieving an input
object as the object representing the event in firefox. At the same time, I'm receiving an InputEvent
object for the same event in chrome. I'm using the inputType
field in the InputEvent
object in chrome to identify if it is insertText
, deleteContentBackward
or deleteContentForward
event as given below.
switch(event.inputType) {
case 'insertText':
//do something
case 'deleteContentBackward':
//do something
case 'deleteContentForward':
//do something
The problem is there is no such field called inputType
in the event object generated by firefox.
Event object in Chrome (71.0.3578.98)
InputEvent {
bubbles: true,
cancelBubble: false,
cancelable: false,
composed: true,
currentTarget: null,
data: null,
dataTransfer: null,
defaultPrevented: true,
detail: 0,
eventPhase: 0,
**inputType: "deleteContentBackward"**,
isComposing: false,
isTrusted: true,
path: (15) [input#search-input.form-control.custom-input.ng-valid.ng-dirty.ng-touched, div.col-md-9.search-input-container, div.col-12.no-padding.search.custom-search-box, div.row.input-group.col-lg-6.col-md-7.col-sm-9.col-xs-12, div.search-section.col-12, app-search-header, div.container, section#homeBanner.intro, app-header, app-root, div.wrapper, body.is-search-open, html.no-js, document, Window],
returnValue: false,
sourceCapabilities: null,
srcElement: input#search-input.form-control.custom-input.ng-valid.ng-dirty.ng-touched,
target: input#search-input.form-control.custom-input.ng-valid.ng-dirty.ng-touched,
timeStamp: 2484875.1999999997,
type: "input",
view: null,
which: 0
Given below is the same event object in firefox (65.0b7)
bubbles: true,
cancelBubble: false,
cancelable: false,
composed: true,
currentTarget: null,
defaultPrevented: false,
detail: 0,
eventPhase: 0,
explicitOriginalTarget: <input id="search-input" class="form-control custom-inpu…lid ng-dirty ng-touched" _ngcontent-c10="" type="text" ng-reflect-model="a" placeholder="What are you looking for ?">,
isComposing: false,
isTrusted: true,
layerX: 0,
layerY: 0,
originalTarget: <input id="search-input" class="form-control custom-inpu…lid ng-dirty ng-touched" _ngcontent-c10="" type="text" ng-reflect-model="a" placeholder="What are you looking for ?">,
pageX: 0,
pageY: 0,
rangeOffset: 0,
rangeParent: null,
returnValue: true,
srcElement: <input id="search-input" class="form-control custom-inpu…lid ng-dirty ng-touched" _ngcontent-c10="" type="text" ng-reflect-model="a" placeholder="What are you looking for ?">
target: <input id="search-input" class="form-control custom-inpu…lid ng-dirty ng-touched" _ngcontent-c10="" type="text" ng-reflect-model="a" placeholder="What are you looking for ?">,
timeStamp: 283997,
**type: "input"**, // For insert and delete events this field won't change
view: null,
which: 0