Possible Duplicate:
creating custom android keyboard layout
I started developing my own ime, but I'm stuck with the xml file. Eclipse seems to be unable to find the Keyboard, nor Row nor Key classes. Can anyone tell me how to solve this problem or how to code an ime layout with java? If this description lacks of informations fell free to let me know. Anyhow, thanks everyone
at first it shows this:
NOTE: This project contains Java compilation errors, which can cause rendering failures for custom views. Fix compilation problems first.
"" does not set the required layout_width attribute: (1) Set to "wrap_content" (2) Set to "match_parent" "" does not set the required layout_height attribute: (1) Set to "wrap_content" if i set layout_widht attribute it shows:
NOTE: This project contains Java compilation errors, which can cause rendering failures for custom views. Fix compilation problems first.
com.android.layoutlib.bridge.MockView cannot be cast to android.view.ViewGroup Exception details are logged in Window > Show View > Error Log The following classes could not be found: - Keyboard (Fix Build Path, Edit XML) - Row (Fix Build Path, Edit XML)