what is wrong there?
procedure TForm1.VCLHelpClick(Sender: TObject);
var Ctrl : TWinControl;
Ctrl := FindVCLWindow(Mouse.CursorPos);
if Ctrl <> nil then
if Form2.Cursor = crHelp then begin
if Ctrl = CreatorEdit then Application.HelpCommand(HELP_CONTEXT,001);
if Ctrl = EditorEdit then Application.HelpCommand(HELP_CONTEXT,002);
if Ctrl = UpdaterEdit then Application.HelpCommand(HELP_CONTEXT,003);
if Ctrl = IdeaEdit then Application.HelpCommand(HELP_CONTEXT,004);
if Ctrl = PorterEdit then Application.HelpCommand(HELP_CONTEXT,005);
The idea is simple - i have form border icons for Help button and when i click it, cursors changes to crHelp. If i click under control for any of IFs, it invokes Help System and Opens associated help file with context from command. But it doesnt work ... Is this because I have not added support for KLink / ELinks in Help file itself?
For help authoring and developing I am using ShalomHelpMaker Software.
Have you tried debugging the code? And can you tell us what part went wrong.
Besides, why don't you use the helpcontext like:
procedure TForm1.VCLHelpClick(Sender: TObject);
var Ctrl : TWinControl;
if Form2.Cursor <> crHelp then // Are you sure this is Form2???
Ctrl := FindVCLWindow(Mouse.CursorPos);
if Ctrl = nil then Exit;
Application.HelpCommand(HELP_CONTEXT, Ctrl.HelpoContext);
Looks like FindVCLControl does some other things. But the following code works:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
ctrl : TControl;
point : TPoint;
point := Mouse.CursorPos; // Mouse pos at screen
Dec(point.X, Left); // Adjust for window.
Dec(point.Y, Top);
Dec(point.Y, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION)); // Adjust to client area.
ctrl := ControlAtPos(point, True, True, True);
// Do something with the control
You probably need some more tweaking, but this works to get the control of a window from the position.
Working code:
procedure TForm1.VCLHelpClick(Sender: TObject);
var WCtrl : TWinControl;
WCtrl := FindVCLWindow(Mouse.CursorPos);
if WCtrl <> nil then
Application.HelpCommand(HELP_CONTEXT, wCtrl.HelpContext);
P.S. all previous code probobly was ok too, but i rechecked my event handlers and found that in one tlabel it was missing ( althought when I clicked to the ones that had onclick, it did not work). Plus ... problem probobly was the faulty cursor check.
Ok, thanks for support, guys!