This is userInfo
I receive from server when change one property:
[AnyHashable("aps"): { "content-available" = 1; }, AnyHashable("ck"): { ce = 2; cid = ""; met = { dbs = 3; sid = "E93874B3-53B4-4CD7-83A0-157DDE3B1094"; zid = fieldservice; zoid = "_c42e727205f9a1c05eab6df6298d51ca"; }; nid = "46a3d259-11c5-4212-9bef-b9aef4ea5bf8"; }]
I can quickly create object:
CKNotification(fromRemoteNotificationDictionary: userInfo)
but now how can I receive its record ID? I need to perform changes on UI, but need to know what object has been changed.