Working on a REST API for PDF processor using Mpdf(and tfox symfony bundle) on Symfony 3 Framework. I created two GET requests, one with no parameters for testing, and one with the parameter(URL of the HTML file) I want to read and then convert into PDF.
The Generic GET function:
* @Rest\Get("/create")
public function createPDFAction(){
$mpdfService = $this->get('tfox.mpdfport');
$html = "<h1> Hello </h1>";
$mpdf = $mpdfService->getMpdf();
The Second GET function with parameter:
* @param $htmlSource
* @Rest\Get("/create/{htmlSource}")
public function createPDFFromSourceAction($htmlSource){
$mpdfService = $this->get('tfox.mpdfport');
$html = file_get_contents($htmlSource);
$mpdf = $mpdfService->getMpdf();
The problem is, when I call the second function using browser or Postman the first function is always returned instead and I get the PDF with "Hello", if I remove the first GET function, I get error "no route found for GET/create"
I investigated:
- The PDF URL is correct, I manually inserted it in first function and worked
- No syntax error, I copied the same function without the parameters and worked
The Calls I do are:
- http://localhost:8000/create This one works
- http://localhost:8000/create?htmlSource=PATH-TO-FILE-LOCALLY This one doesnot work
If I put the PATH-TO-FILE-LOCALLY in function 1 manually it works fine
So I have 2 Questions:
- Since I am new to REST and LAMP, should I use GET or others ? My goal is to read the HTML form that the user will fill into a variable and pass it to Mpdf which will convert it into PDF and return that PDF for viewing or download
- Why only the first GET function is being read ?
Notes: I am developing on Linux, with PHPStorm, PHP 7, Symfony 3, localhost, the html file I am testing with is on my local machine
Side point: In case this is resolved, I am supposed to upload this to my clients server (which is Apache) - do you have any guides on how to do that and what should be the URLs changed to ?
Thank you all in advance
I have changed the functionality to POST methods and it now works fine:
* @Rest\Post("/mPDF/")
public function createPDFAction(Request $request){
$source = $request->get('source');
if($source == ""){
return new View('No Data found', Response::HTTP_NO_CONTENT);
$mpdfService = $this->get('tfox.mpdfport');
$html = file_get_contents($source);
$mpdf = $mpdfService->getMpdf();
After publishing to Apache production server and some configuration tweaks the site is now live ! - but now I am facing a new issue which I will post a new question for with all the config info I have - basically POST method is returning {
"error": {
"code": 405,
"message": "Method Not Allowed"