IOS swift creating app folder error

2020-03-31 06:23发布


I got problem with creating folder for PhotoLibrary. Does anyone know what is wrong there?

            var albumPlaceholder:PHObjectPlaceholder!
            //create the folder
            NSLog("\nFolder \"%@\" does not exist\nCreating now...", albumName)
                let request = PHAssetCollectionChangeRequest.creationRequestForAssetCollectionWithTitle(albumName)
                albumPlaceholder = request.placeholderForCreatedAssetCollection
                completionHandler: {(success:Bool, error:NSError!)in
                    NSLog("Creation of folder -> %@", (success ? "Success":"Error!"))
                    self.albumFound = (success ? true:false)
                        let collection = PHAssetCollection.fetchAssetCollectionsWithLocalIdentifiers([albumPlaceholder.localIdentifier], options: nil)
                        self.assetCollection = collection?.firstObject as PHAssetCollection

This code all the time prints Error! on console. Thanks in advance!

[Update] My error is sth like this.

Creation of folder -> Error! ViewWillAppear Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=2047 "Photos Access not allowed (authorization status 0)" UserInfo=0x7fd1fb664cc0 {NSLocalizedDescription=Photos Access not allowed (authorization status 0)}


You don't have permission to access Photo Library. You need to request it first. So use the following code for that:

{ (PHAuthorizationStatus status) -> Void in
     switch (status)
        case .Authorized:
            // Permission Granted
            println("Write your code here")
        case .Denied:
            // Permission Denied
            println("User denied")

For more info refer : requestAuthorization


The NSError tells you what the problem is:

Photos Access not allowed (authorization status 0)

The problem is that you have failed to obtain authorization from the user to use the photos library.

For more info, see the docs on requestAuthorization: -