
Cross-domain requests with JQuery using YQL

2020-03-31 05:49发布


So I need to make a a cross domain request where the response is not JSON formatted, so I cannot use .getJSON. .get obviously doesn't work because it is a cross domain request.

I came across this (Read this) when I was googling and it seems it should work for what I want to do (which is do a cross domain call that isn't json formatted using a jquery plug in). My code looks like the following. I know the url works fine because if I paste it into my browser, I can see the response, which according to last.fm documentation

The body of the server response consists of a series of \n (ASCII 10) terminated lines. A typical successful server response will be something like this:


So I know my URL is fine. Now I am wondering how I get at this information, and why my version of their example does not work.

function performHandshake(sk, token, ts){

    var token = md5(apiSecret + ts);
    var urlToUse = "http://post.audioscrobbler.com/?hs=true&p=1.2.1&c=tst&v=1.0&u=chamals&t=" + ts + "&a=" + token + "&api_key=" + apiKey + "&sk=" + sk + "&format=xml&callback=cbfunc";
        url: urlToUse,
        type: 'GET',
        success: function(res){
            var headline = $(res.responseText).find('a.tst').text();



Well the page you linked you talks about using YQL and jQuery. It's a very interesting solution. However, your example seems to skip over the YQL part (which is crucial).

var urlToUse = "http://post.audioscrobbler.com/?hs=true&p=1.2.1&c=tst&v=1.0&u=chamals&t=" + ts + "&a=" + token + "&api_key=" + apiKey + "&sk=" + sk + "&format=xml&callback=cbfunc";

var yqlUrl2Use = "http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?"+
    // this function gets the data from the successful 
    // JSON-P call

Then you'll have to call the call the new URL as a JSONP req...

$.getJSON(yqlUrl2Use, function(json){
    // figure out the format of the answer here...   


Yeah, cross browser scripting. You can't AJAX anything like that since it violates the same domain policy.

You are going to have to setup a proxy on the same server the JavaScript is running from.

Edit Lookslike you need the $('#container').load(url) bit for that to work.

Go back an reread the linked article carefully.


You need to use $.getJSON rather than $.ajax() to return cross site information.


The var res actually has my information that I needed. I guess their headline = part was specifically for their implementation.

Thanks to those who helped!