ThisJoinPoint can only get the current method information, anyway to get the caller method information?
You can try the special variable thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart
which holds the static part of the enclosing JoinPoint.
Mentioned here (example) and here (docs)
Or if using annotation-based AspectJ, pass following to the advice method's parameters, e.g.:
@Before("call( /* your pointcut definition */ )")
public void myCall(JoinPoint.EnclosingStaticPart thisEnclosingJoinPointStaticPart)
// ...
Mentioned here
public class LoggingAspect {
@Before(value = "execution(public * findAll())")
public void beforeAdvice(JoinPoint pp){
System.out.println("before advice called ....get calling method Signature"+pp.getSignature());
System.out.println("before advice called ....get calling method name"+pp.getSignature().getName());