I have the current set of of routes implemented (for example):
GET /api/:version/:entity my.controllers.~~~~~
GET /api/:version/:entity/:id my.controllers.~~~~~
POST /api/:version/:entity my.controllers.~~~~~
POST /api/:version/:entity/:id my.controllers.~~~~~
DELETE /api/:version/:entity my.controllers.~~~~~
POST /api/:version/search/:entity my.controllers.~~~~~
And they work beautifully. Now let's say I want to implement a "batch endpoint" for the same API. It should look something like this:
POST /api/:version/batch my.controllers.~~~~~
and the body should look like this:
"method": "POST",
"call": "/api/1/customer",
"body": {
"name": "antonio",
"email": "tonysmallhands@gmail.com"
"method": "POST",
"call": "/api/1/customer/2",
"body": {
"name": "mario"
"method": "GET",
"call": "/api/1/company"
"method": "DELETE",
"call": "/api/1/company/22"
To do that I would like to know how I can call the play framework router to pass those requests? I was planning to use something similar as what is advised for unit tests:
public void badRoute() {
Result result = play.test.Helpers.routeAndCall(fakeRequest(GET, "/xx/Kiki"));
by going into the source code of routeAndCall()
, you find something like this:
* Use the Router to determine the Action to call for this request and executes it.
* @deprecated
* @see #route instead
@SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked")
public static Result routeAndCall(FakeRequest fakeRequest) {
try {
return routeAndCall((Class<? extends play.core.Router.Routes>)FakeRequest.class.getClassLoader().loadClass("Routes"), fakeRequest);
} catch(RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch(Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException(t);
* Use the Router to determine the Action to call for this request and executes it.
* @deprecated
* @see #route instead
public static Result routeAndCall(Class<? extends play.core.Router.Routes> router, FakeRequest fakeRequest) {
try {
play.core.Router.Routes routes = (play.core.Router.Routes)router.getClassLoader().loadClass(router.getName() + "$").getDeclaredField("MODULE$").get(null);
if(routes.routes().isDefinedAt(fakeRequest.getWrappedRequest())) {
return invokeHandler(routes.routes().apply(fakeRequest.getWrappedRequest()), fakeRequest);
} else {
return null;
} catch(RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch(Throwable t) {
throw new RuntimeException(t);
So my question is: Is there a less "hacky" way to do this with Play (I am not against mixing Scala and Java to get to it) than to copy the above code? I would have also like to give the option of executing the batched calls in parallel or in sequence ... I guess instantiating only one Routes
using the class loader would be problematic then?