In a windows version with tablet support, a small keyboard icon appears when an edit control gets focus. If you touch it the touch keyboard pops up.
Is there a way to disable this? It's rather inconvenient if you have your own touch keyboard.
I want to disable it for certain edit controls in code, ie. I'm not looking for a Windows setting.
Well, I guess a late answer is better than no answer, so here it comes:
You can disable the Windows onscreen-keyboard for your application.
To do so, start Regedit and navigate to the Key [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\TabletTIP\DisableInPlace]. There you create a new String Value, set its name to the full application Path (e.g. "C:\Progam Files\My App\MyApp.exe") and set its value to "1".
Edit: Recently I had to rethink my solution... By setting the Registry value, you disable the onscreen-keyboard for the whole application. But should you need a keyboard for some seldom used function of your program and just happend to forget including an onscreen-keyboard, you have to control the Windows TextInputPanel via SDK / API. See this link: Disabling the Input Panel Programmatically.
Use the PenInputPanel for handwriting and the TextInputPanel for an onscreen-keyboard.
For all those Delphi programmers out there: import the Type Library "Microsoft PenInputPanel" and FIX A BUG in the imported *_TLB.pas: change the parameter type of the two methods of IPenInputPanel:
function Get_AttachedEditWindow: SYSINT; safecall;
procedure Set_AttachedEditWindow(AttachedEditWindow: SYSINT); safecall;
Disable the "Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service"