I have a few questions about using common blocks in parallel programming in Fortran.
My subroutines have common blocks. Do I have to declare all the common blocks and threadprivate in the parallel do region?
How do they pass information? I want seperate common clock for each thread and want them to pass information through the end of parallel region. Does it happen here?
subroutine changes some variables in common blocks andCondact
subroutine overwrites over them again but the function uses the values fromCondact
subroutine. Do the second subroutine and function copy the variables from the previous subroutine for each thread?program ... ! Loop which I want to parallelize !$OMP parallel DO !do I need to declear all common block and threadprivate them here? I = 1, N ... call FORD(i,j) ... !$OMP END parallel DO end program subroutine FORD(i,j) dimension zl(3),zg(3) common /ellip/ b1,c1,f1,g1,h1,d1, . b2,c2,f2,g2,h2,p2,q2,r2,d2 common /root/ root1,root2 !$OMP threadprivate (/ellip/,/root/) !this subroutine rewrite values of b1, c1 and f1 variable. CALL CONDACT(genflg,lapflg) return end subroutine SUBROUTINE CONDACT(genflg,lapflg) common /ellip/ b1,c1,f1,g1,h1,d1,b2,c2,f2,g2,h2,p2,q2,r2,d2 !$OMP threadprivate (/ellip/) ! this subroutine rewrite b1, c1 and f1 again call function f(x) RETURN END function f(x) common /ellip/ b1,c1,f1,g1,h1,d1, . b2,c2,f2,g2,h2,p2,q2,r2,d2 !$OMP threadprivate (/ellip/) ! here the function uses the value of b1, c1, f1 from CONDAT subroutine. end