Click event not working on iPad with touch event

2020-03-31 02:49发布


I am using a click event on a page link. It works good on iPad's Safari, but when I use touch events on the same page then the click event stops working; only the touch event works there on the iPad.

Click event:

 link.onclick = onLinkClick;

Touch event:

    'touchstart': function (e) {
        onTouchStart(e, sdiv);

    'touchend': function (e) {

    'touchmove': function (e) {

    'touchcancel': function (e) {


Finally, I differentiate both platforms, iPad and desktop. Using 'navigator.platform', if it's iPad then the touch event works, else the Click event.

 var platform = navigator.platform; 

 if( platform == 'iPad') { _link.ontouchend = onLinkClick;} 

  else { _link.onclick = onLinkClick; }

Thanks to all,