I am trying to create buttons in tkinter within a for loop. And with each loop pass the i count value out as an argument in the command value. So when the function is called from the command value I can tell which button was pressed and act accordingly. The problem is, lets say len is 3, it will create 3 buttons with titles \"Game 1\" through \"Game 3\" but when any of the buttons are pressed the printed value is always 2, the last iteration. So it appears the buttons are being made as separate entities, but the i value in the command arguments seem to be all the same. Here is the code:
def createGameURLs(self):
self.button = []
for i in range(3):
self.button.append(Button(self, text=\'Game \'+str(i+1),command=lambda:self.open_this(i)))
self.button[i].grid(column=4, row=i+1, sticky=W)
def open_this(self, myNum):
Is there a way to get the current i value, upon each iteration, to stick with that particular button?