I have a project for work. We had written a module and there as a #TODO to implement threading to improve the module. I'm a fairly new python programmer and decided to take a whack at it. While learning and implementing the threading, I had the question similar to How many threads is too many? because we have a queue of about maybe 6 objects that need to be processed, so why make 6 threads (or any threads at all) to process objects in a list or queue when the processing time is negligible anyway? (Each object takes at most about 2 seconds to process)
So I ran a little experiment. I wanted to know if there were performance gains from using threading. See my python code below:
import threading
import queue
import math
import time
results_total = []
results_calculation = []
results_threads = []
class MyThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, thread_id, q):
self.threadID = thread_id
self.q = q
def run(self):
# print("Starting " + self.name)
# print("Exiting " + self.name)
def process_data(q):
while not exitFlag:
if not workQueue.empty():
potentially_prime = True
data = q.get()
# check if the data is a prime number
# print("Testing {0} for primality.".format(data))
for i in range(2, int(math.sqrt(data)+1)):
if data % i == 0:
potentially_prime = False
if potentially_prime is True:
for j in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 250, 500,
750, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000]:
threads = []
numberList = list(range(1, 10001))
queueLock = threading.Lock()
workQueue = queue.Queue()
numberThreads = j
prime_numbers = list()
exitFlag = 0
start_time_total = time.time()
# Create new threads
for threadID in range(0, numberThreads):
thread = MyThread(threadID, workQueue)
# Fill the queue
# print("Filling the queue...")
for number in numberList:
# print("Queue filled...")
start_time_calculation = time.time()
# Wait for queue to empty
while not workQueue.empty():
# Notify threads it's time to exit
exitFlag = 1
# Wait for all threads to complete
for t in threads:
# print("Exiting Main Thread")
# print(prime_numbers)
end_time = time.time()
"The test took {0} seconds for {1} threads.".format(
end_time - start_time_total, j)
"The calculation took {0} seconds for {1} threads.".format(
end_time - start_time_calculation, j)
"The thread setup time took {0} seconds for {1} threads.".format(
start_time_calculation - start_time_total, j)
for result in results_total:
for result in results_calculation:
for result in results_threads:
This test finds the prime numbers between 1 and 10000. This set up is pretty much taken right from https://www.tutorialspoint.com/python3/python_multithreading.htm but instead of printing a simple string I ask the threads to find prime numbers. This is not actually what my real world application is but I can't currently test the code I've written for the module. I thought this was a good test to measure the effect of additional threads. My real world application deals with talking to multiple serial devices. I ran the test 5 times and averaged the times. Here are the results in a graph:
My questions regarding threading and this test are as follows:
Is this test even a good representation of how threads should be used? This is not a server/client situation. In terms of efficiency, is it better to avoid parallelism when you aren't serving clients or dealing with assignments/work being added to a queue?
If the answer to 1 is "No, this test isn't a place where one should use threads." then when is? Generally speaking.
If the answer to 1 is "Yes, this is ok to use threads in that case.", why does adding threads end up taking longer and quickly reaches a plateau? Rather, why would one want to use threads as it takes many times longer than calculating it in a loop.
I notice that as the work to threads ratio gets closer to 1:1, the time taken to set up the threads becomes longer. So is threading only useful where you create threads once and keep them alive as long as possible to handle requests that might enqueue faster than they can be calculated?