CloudKit Server-to-Server authentication

2019-01-21 14:08发布


Apple published a new method to authenticate against CloudKit, server-to-server.

I tried to authenticate against CloudKit and this method. At first I generated the key pair and gave the public key to CloudKit, no problem so far.

I started to build the request header. According to the documentation it should look like this:

X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-KeyID: [keyID]  
X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-ISO8601Date: [date]  
X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-SignatureV1: [signature]
  • [keyID], no problem. You can find this in the CloudKit dashboard.
  • [Date], I think this should work: 2016-02-06T20:41:00Z
  • [signature], here is the problem...

The documentation says:

The signature created in Step 1.

Step 1 says:

Concatenate the following parameters and separate them with colons.
[Current date]:[Request body]:[Web Service URL]

I asked myself "Why do I have to generate the key pair?".
But step 2 says:

Compute the ECDSA signature of this message with your private key.

Maybe they mean to sign the concatenated signature with the private key and put this into the header? Anyway I tried both...

My sample for this (unsigned) signature value looks like:

2016-02-06T20:41:00Z:YTdkNzAwYTllNjI1M2EyZTllNDNiZjVmYjg0MWFhMGRiMTE2MjI1NTYwNTA2YzQyODc4MjUwNTQ0YTE5YTg4Yw==:[iCloud Container]/development/public/records/lookup  

The request body value is SHA256 hashed and after that base64 encoded. My question is, I should concatenate with a ":" but the url and the date also contains ":". Is it correct? (I also tried to URL-Encode the URL and delete the ":" in the date).
At next I signed this signature string with ECDSA, put it into the header and send it. But I always get 401 "Authentication failed" back. To sign it, I used the ecdsa python module, with following commands:

from ecdsa import SigningKey  
a = SigningKey.from_pem(open("path_to_pem_file").read())  
b = "[date]:[base64(request_body)]:/database/1/iCloud....."  
print a.sign(b).encode('hex')

Maybe the python module doesn't work correctly. But it can generate the right public key from the private key. So I hope the other functions also work.

Has anybody managed to authenticate against CloudKit with the server-to-server method? How does it work correctly?

Edit: Correct python version that works

from ecdsa import SigningKey
import ecdsa, base64, hashlib  

a = SigningKey.from_pem(open("path_to_pem_file").read())  
b = "[date]:[base64(sha256(request_body))]:/database/1/iCloud....."  
signature = a.sign(b, hashfunc=hashlib.sha256, sigencode=ecdsa.util.sigencode_der)  
signature = base64.b64encode(signature)
print signature #include this into the header


The last part of the message

[Current date]:[Request body]:[Web Service URL]

must not include the domain (it must include any query parameters):

2016-02-06T20:41:00Z:YTdkNzAwYTllNjI1M2EyZTllNDNiZjVmYjg0MWFhMGRiMTE2MjI1NTYwNTA2YzQyODc4MjUwNTQ0YTE5YTg4Yw==:/database/1/[iCloud Container]/development/public/records/lookup

With newlines for better readability:

:/database/1/[iCloud Container]/development/public/records/lookup

The following shows how to compute the header value in pseudocode

The exact API calls depend on the concrete language and crypto library you use.

//1. Date
//Example: 2016-02-07T18:58:24Z
//Pitfall: make sure to not include milliseconds
date = isoDateWithoutMilliseconds() 

//2. Payload
//Example (empty string base64 encoded; GET requests):
//Pitfall: make sure the output is base64 encoded (not hex)
payload = base64encode(sha256(body))  

//3. Path
//Example: /database/1/[containerIdentifier]/development/public/records/lookup
//Pitfall: Don't include the domain; do include any query parameter
path = stripDomainKeepQueryParams(url) 

//4. Message
//Join date, payload, and path with colons
message = date + ':' + payload + ':' + path

//5. Compute a signature for the message using your private key.
//This step looks very different for every language/crypto lib.
//Pitfall: make sure the output is base64 encoded.
//Hint: the key itself contains information about the signature algorithm 
//      (on NodeJS you can use the signature name 'RSA-SHA256' to compute a 
//      the correct ECDSA signature with an ECDSA key).
signature = base64encode(sign(message, key))

//6. Set headers
X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-KeyID = keyID 
X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-ISO8601Date = date  
X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-SignatureV1 = signature

//7. For POST requests, don't forget to actually send the unsigned request body
//   (not just the headers)


I made an working code example in PHP: (based on @Jessedc's JavaScript example)

By the way, make sure you set the date time in UTC timezone. My code didn't work because of this.


Extracting Apple's cloudkit.js implementation and using the first call from the Apple sample code node-client-s2s/index.js you can construct the following:

You hash the request body request with sha256:

var crypto = require('crypto');
var bodyHasher = crypto.createHash('sha256');
var hashedBody = bodyHasher.digest("base64");

The sign the [Current date]:[Request body]:[Web Service URL] payload with the private key provided in the config.

var c = crypto.createSign("RSA-SHA256");
var requestSignature = c.sign(key, "base64");

Another note is the [Web Service URL] payload component must not include the domain but it does need any query parameters.

Make sure the date value is the same in X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-ISO8601Date as it is in the signature. (These details are not documented completely, but is observed by looking through the CloudKit.js implementation).

A more complete nodejs example looks like this:

(function() {

const https = require('https');
var fs = require('fs');
var crypto = require('crypto');

var key = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/eckey.pem', "utf8");
var authKeyID = 'auth-key-id';

// path of our request (domain not included)
var requestPath = "/database/1/iCloud.containerIdentifier/development/public/users/current";

// request body (GET request is blank)
var requestBody = '';

// date string without milliseconds
var requestDate = (new Date).toISOString().replace(/(\.\d\d\d)Z/, "Z");

var bodyHasher = crypto.createHash('sha256');
var hashedBody = bodyHasher.digest("base64");

var rawPayload = requestDate + ":" + hashedBody + ":" + requestPath;

// sign payload
var c = crypto.createSign("sha256");
var requestSignature = c.sign(key, "base64");

// put headers together
var headers = {
    'X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-KeyID': authKeyID,
    'X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-ISO8601Date': requestDate,
    'X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-SignatureV1': requestSignature

var options = {
    hostname: '',
    port: 443,
    path: requestPath,
    method: 'GET',
    headers: headers

var req = https.request(options, (res) => {
   //... handle nodejs response



This also exists as a gist:

On the command line with openssl (Updated)

The first hashing can be done with this command:

openssl sha -sha256 -binary < body.txt | base64

To sign the second part of the request you need a more modern version of openSSL than what OSX 10.11 comes with and use the following command:

/usr/local/bin/openssl dgst -sha256WithRSAEncryption -binary -sign ck-server-key.pem raw_signature.txt | base64

Thanks to @maurice_vB below and on twitter for this info


Distilled this from a project I'm working on in Node. Maybe you will find it useful. Replace the X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-KeyID and the container identifier in requestOptions.path to make it work.

The private key/ pem is generated with: openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out eckey.pem and generate the public key to register at the CloudKit dashboard openssl ec -in eckey.pem -pubout.

var crypto = require("crypto"),
    https = require("https"),
    fs = require("fs")

var CloudKitRequest = function(payload) {
  this.payload = payload
  this.requestOptions = { // Used with `https.request`
    hostname: "",
    port: 443,
    path: '/database/1/',
    method: 'POST',
    headers: { // We will add more headers in the sign methods
      "X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-KeyID": "your-ck-request-keyID"

To sign the request:

CloudKitRequest.prototype.sign = function(privateKey) {
  var dateString = new Date().toISOString().replace(/\.[0-9]+?Z/, "Z"), // NOTE: No milliseconds
      hash = crypto.createHash("sha256"),
      sign = crypto.createSign("RSA-SHA256")

  // Create the hash of the payload
  hash.update(this.payload, "utf8")
  var payloadSignature = hash.digest("base64")

  // Create the signature string to sign
  var signatureData = [
  ].join(":") // [Date]:[Request body]:[Web Service URL]

  // Construct the signature
  var signature = sign.sign(privateKey, "base64")

  // Update the request headers
  this.requestOptions.headers["X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-ISO8601Date"] = dateString
  this.requestOptions.headers["X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-SignatureV1"] = signature

  return signature // This might be useful to keep around

And now you can send the request:

CloudKitRequest.prototype.send = function(cb) {
  var request = https.request(this.requestOptions, function(response) {
    var responseBody = ""

    response.on("data", function(chunk) {
      responseBody += chunk.toString("utf8")

    response.on("end", function() {
      cb(null, JSON.parse(responseBody))

  request.on("error", function(err) {
    cb(err, null)


So given the following:

var privateKey = fs.readFileSync("./eckey.pem"),
    creationPayload = JSON.stringify({
      "operations": [{
          "operationType" : "create",
          "record" : {
            "recordType" : "Post",
            "fields" : {
              "title" : { "value" : "A Post From The Server" }

Using the request:

var creationRequest = new CloudKitRequest(creationPayload)
creationRequest.send(function(err, response) {
  console.log("Created a new entry with error", err, "and respone", response)

For your copy pasting pleasure: (edited)


In case someone else is trying to do this via Ruby, there's a key method alias required to monkey patch the OpenSSL lib to work:

def signature_for_request(body_json, url, iso8601_date)
  body_sha_hash = Digest::SHA256.digest(body_json)

  payload_for_signature = [iso8601_date, Base64.strict_encode64(body_sha_hash), url].join(":")

  OpenSSL::PKey::EC.send(:alias_method, :private?, :private_key?)

  ec =
  digest =
  signature = ec.sign(digest, payload_for_signature)
  base64_signature = Base64.strict_encode64(signature)

  return base64_signature

Note that in the above example, url is the path excluding the domain component (starting with /database...) and CK_PEM_STRING is simply a of the pem generated when setting up your private/public key pair.

The iso8601_date is most easily generated using:

Of course, you want to store that in a variable to include in your final request. Construction of the final request can be done with the following pattern:

def perform_request(url, body, iso8601_date)

  signature = self.signature_for_request(body, url, iso8601_date)

  uri = URI.parse(CK_SERVICE_BASE + url)

  header = {
    "Content-Type" => "text/plain",
    "X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-KeyID" => CK_KEY_ID,
    "X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-ISO8601Date" => iso8601_date,
    "X-Apple-CloudKit-Request-SignatureV1" => signature

  # Create the HTTP objects
  http =, uri.port)
  http.use_ssl = true
  request =, header)
  request.body = body

  # Send the request
  response = http.request(request)

  return response

Works like a charm now for me.


I had the same problem and ended up writing a library that works with python-requests to interface with the CloudKit API in Python.

pip install requests-cloudkit

After it's installed, just import the authentication handler (CloudKitAuth) and use it directly with requests. It will transparently authenticate any request you make to the CloudKit API.

>>> import requests
>>> from requests_cloudkit import CloudKitAuth
>>> auth = CloudKitAuth(key_id=YOUR_KEY_ID, key_file_name=YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH)
>>> requests.get("[version]/[container]/[environment]/public/zones/list", auth=auth)

The GitHub project is available at if you'd like to contribute or report an issue.