I would like to clean up the following code. Specifically, I'm wondering if I can consolidate the three filter statements so that I end up with the final data.frame (the rind()) that contains the row of data "spring" if it exists, the row of data for "fall" if "spring" doesn't exist, and finally the row of data if neither "spring" nor "fall" exist. The code below seems very clunky and inefficient. I am trying to free myself of for(), so hopefully the solution won't involve one. Could this be done using dplyr?
# define a %not% to be the opposite of %in%
`%not%` <- Negate(`%in%`)
f <- c("a","a","a","b","b","c")
s <- c("fall","spring","other", "fall", "other", "other")
v <- c(3,5,1,4,5,2)
(dat0 <- data.frame(f, s, v))
sp.tmp <- filter(dat0, s == "spring")
fl.tmp <- filter(dat0, f %not% sp.tmp$f, s == "fall")
ot.tmp <- filter(dat0, f %not% sp.tmp$f, f %not% fl.tmp$f, s == "other")