I like to split my vim screen in 3. one :vsplit and one :split. I want these windows and the files I worked on to be saved when I close vim. I also want these windows to automatically load when I start vim.
I tried to install gsessions (just added the file to the plugin folder), but nothing happend. I am new to vim so I don't know exactly how the configuration works.
You can do per directory sessions with this is your vimrc:
fu! SaveSess()
execute 'call mkdir(%:p:h/.vim)'
execute 'mksession! %:p:h/.vim/session.vim'
fu! RestoreSess()
execute 'so %:p:h/.vim/session.vim'
if bufexists(1)
for l in range(1, bufnr('$'))
if bufwinnr(l) == -1
exec 'sbuffer ' . l
autocmd VimLeave * call SaveSess()
autocmd VimEnter * call RestoreSess()
That will litter your directories with .vim s, but you can easily modify that. Also, change sbuffer to badd if you don't want new windows for each file and add ssop-=buffers
to your vimrc.
I modified 2ck's script slightly to save a .session.vim
in your current working directory instead of the directory where your current open file is in.
Also, it checks if the file exists before sourcing it.
fu! SaveSess()
execute 'mksession! ' . getcwd() . '/.session.vim'
fu! RestoreSess()
if filereadable(getcwd() . '/.session.vim')
execute 'so ' . getcwd() . '/.session.vim'
if bufexists(1)
for l in range(1, bufnr('$'))
if bufwinnr(l) == -1
exec 'sbuffer ' . l
autocmd VimLeave * call SaveSess()
autocmd VimEnter * nested call RestoreSess()
The autosess plugin works well for this. Also available on GitHub: powerman/vim-plugin-autosess.
From the plugin's description:
Start Vim without file arguments to automatically load previous
session for current directory. This make easier work with complex
projects - just chdir to project directory and start vim
When you quit from Vim, if there are more than one open tab/window,
session will be automatically saved. This let you edit single files in
same directory without breaking your saved session. (Quickfix and
vimdiff's windows are ignored.)
If you quit from Vim with no open files, session will be deleted. This
let you start usual empty Vim in this directory next time.
i use vim for projects and every project have .vim folder in root of my project.
and i use startup script for vim
if [[ $# != 1 ]]
zenity --title "Vim IDE usage error" --error --text "Usage: vim_ide /path/to/project/dir."
exit 1
if [[ ! -e "$1/.vim/ide.vim" ]]
zenity --title "Vim IDE usage error" --error --text "'$1' is not a Vim IDE project directory."
exit 1
cd "$1" || { zenity --title "Vim IDE usage error" --error --text "Can't change current directory to Vim IDE project directory '$1'."; exit 1; }
set sessionoptions-=options
au VimLeave * :mksession! .vim/ide.session
if getfsize(".vim/ide.session") >= 0
source .vim/ide.session
so i start my vim by next command
$~/ide.sh /path/to/project
All my opened files, tabs and even position cursors are saved before exit and restored after start.
With gsessions
you still have to save your sessions with \ss before quitting the editor. It will detect saved sessions on startup, and ask you if you want to open them.
I have a muscle-memory habit of typing ":q!", which I haven't been able to shake. This gets very tedious, if I've got multiple buffers open in a vi session. So - what I needed was a way of simply recovering where I was when I accidentally shot myself in the foot. Again.
This is slightly complicated by the fact that I might have multiple ssh sessions open at any one time, each with a different set of buffers/windows open in vi. I needed a way of saving the session separately for each different ssh session.
The solution I came up with builds on 2ck's answer, and is as follows. In your ~/.vimrc:
" tty is unique to the ssh session
let my_full_tty=$SSH_TTY
" scoop the number off the end of it
let my_tty_num = matchstr(my_full_tty, '\d\{1,}$')
" create a unique filename
let g:my_vim_session = "~/vim_session." . my_tty_num
fu! SaveSess()
execute 'mksession! ' . g:my_vim_session
fu! RestoreSess()
let file = expand(g:my_vim_session)
if filereadable(file)
execute 'source ' . g:my_vim_session
autocmd VimLeave * call SaveSess()
" only restore the session if the user has -not- requested a specific filename
autocmd VimEnter * if !argc() | call RestoreSess() | endif
But, of course, I don't want loads of ~/vim_session.? lying around, so I periodically cleanup. (I may re-think this, actually, because what happens if my ssh disconnects unexpectedly? hmmm)
In your .bashrc:
trap ~/bash_exit_script.pl EXIT
and in bash_exit_script.pl:
#! /usr/bin/perl
use warnings;
use strict;
my $ssh_tty = $ENV{SSH_TTY};
$ssh_tty =~ /(\d{1,}$)/;
my $my_tty_number = $1;
my $filename = "/home/dominic.pain/vim_session.$my_tty_number";
if(-e $filename) {
print "tried to remove $filename...\n";
system("rm $filename");
else {
print "Couldn't find $filename\n";
xolox/vim-session is working well for me. With Vundle:
Plugin 'xolox/vim-misc'
Plugin 'xolox/vim-session'
let g:session_autoload = 'yes'
let g:session_autosave = 'yes'
let g:session_autosave_to = 'default'
let g:session_verbose_messages = 0
Session is stored in ~/.vim/sessions/default.vim
tpope's vim-obsession is the best thing for this now, released after the question was originally asked.
Use :Obsess
(with optional file/directory name) to start recording to a
session file and :Obsess!
to stop and throw it away. That's it. Load a
session in the usual manner: vim -S
, or :source
- Instead of making me remember to capture the session immediately before
exiting Vim, allow me to do it at any time, and automatically re-invoke
immediately before exit.
- Also invoke
whenever the layout changes (in particular, on
), so that even if Vim exits abnormally, I'm good to go.
- If I load an existing session, automatically keep it updated as above.
- If I try to create a new session on top of an existing session, don't refuse
to overwrite it. Just do what I mean.