I want to run NPM install and to have multi repositories to get dependencies.
The logic that I want first to look on public nexus and just if it didn't find the artifcat look for my private nexus
I add .npmrc for this
Do I need to add the public npm also ? what is the url for this ?
Lets assume that I have also another registry how I can add it also ? ( for example https://myRepo2 )
One way to accomplish this is to setup a private NPM proxy registry such as Verdaccio. You can configure your .npmrc to use your Verdaccio registry instead of npmjs.org and when you npm install
or yarn add
a module your private registry will be searched first, if the module isn't in your private registry it will then look in a configured upstream or "uplink" registry. You can configure multiple uplink registries as shown here: http://www.verdaccio.org/docs/en/uplinks.html