I am reading in a text file and using a comma as a delimiter, the line below does work however when I print out lname it does not ignore the white space after the comma and prints a space before name. How can I adjust the code to ignore white space?
example of text:
Rob, Smith, 4, 12, sometext
Steve, Jones, 41, 286, sometext
sscanf(line, "%[^,],%[^,],%d,%d,%s", fname,lname,&num1,&num2,info);
Just add a whitespace character if you want to ignore whitespace:
sscanf(line, " %[^,], %[^,], %d, %d, %s", fname, lname, &num1, &num2, info);
The space before %d
and %s
are not required as they already skip leading whitespace characters. The only format specifiers which does not skip leading whitespace are %c
, %[
and %n
Note that a whitespace character in the format string of *scanf
instructs scanf
to scan any number of whitespace, including none, until the first non-whitespace character.