I have an Object that gets replaced by thousands of little cubes at once, which then begin moving one after another after initialization.
I have code that works, but when I try to refactor it to clean it up, it stops working. The cubes dont move. This happens when I try to separate the Variable Initialisation and the Movement Initialisation.
So this is my original code segment and it works:
public class WallCreation : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform wallSegmentPrefab;
GameObject oldWall;
Vector3 oldWallSize;
int oldWallsizeX;
int oldWallsizeY;
int oldWallsizeZ;
Vector3 oldWallPosition;
Vector3 oldWallCornerPosition;
Transform newWall;
Transform parentWallSegment;
Transform[ , , ] wallSegments;
int[] indizes;
void Start () {
indizes= new int[3];
public void newWallScript(){
initializeNewWall ("zWall++");
StartCoroutine (waitForMovement ());
void initializeNewWall(string replaceWall)
oldWall = GameObject.Find(replaceWall);
oldWallSize = oldWall.transform.localScale;
oldWallPosition = oldWall.transform.localPosition;
oldWallsizeX=(int) oldWallSize.x;
oldWallsizeY=(int) oldWallSize.y;
oldWallsizeZ=(int) oldWallSize.z;
oldWallCornerPosition = oldWallPosition - oldWallSize / 2 + wallSegmentPrefab.localScale / 2;
wallSegments = new Transform[oldWallsizeX , oldWallsizeY , oldWallsizeZ];
for (int x = 0; x < oldWallsizeX; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < oldWallsizeY; y++)
for (int z = 0; z < oldWallsizeZ; z++)
newWall = Instantiate(wallSegmentPrefab);
GameObject _wallSegment = newWall.gameObject;
_wallSegment.AddComponent<WallMovement> ();
wallSegments[x,y,z] = newWall;
void newWallMovement()
for (int x = 1; x < oldWallsizeX-1; x++)
indizes [0] = x;
for (int y = 0; y < oldWallsizeY; y++)
indizes [1] = y;
for (int z = 0; z < oldWallsizeZ; z++) {
indizes[2] = z;
newWall = wallSegments[x,y,z];
GameObject _wallSegment = newWall.gameObject;
WallMovement _WallMovement = _wallSegment.GetComponent<WallMovement> ();
_WallMovement.indizes = indizes;
_WallMovement.initializeMovement ();
IEnumerator waitForMovement()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
This is my improved code that does not work and (...) stays the same:
public class WallCreation : MonoBehaviour {
public void newWallScript(){
StartCoroutine (waitForMoving());
void initializeNewWall(string replaceWall)
void newWallMovement()
for (int x = 1; x < oldWallsizeX-1; x++)
indizes [0] = x;
for (int y = 0; y < oldWallsizeY; y++)
indizes [1] = y;
for (int z = 0; z < oldWallsizeZ; z++) {
indizes[2] = z;
newWall = wallSegments[x,y,z];
GameObject _wallSegment = newWall.gameObject;
WallMovement _WallMovement = _wallSegment.GetComponent<WallMovement> ();
_WallMovement.indizes = indizes;
//this is cut out and put into the wallMoving() void
//_WallMovement.initializeMovement ();
void wallMoving(){
for (int x = 1; x < oldWallsizeX-1; x++)
//indizes [0] = x; //only with this enabled it works for some reason, otherwise it doesn't
for (int y = 0; y < oldWallsizeY; y++)
for (int z = 0; z < oldWallsizeZ; z++) {
newWall = wallSegments[x,y,z];
GameObject _wallSegment = newWall.gameObject;
WallMovement _WallMovement = _wallSegment.GetComponent<WallMovement> ();
//same code but without giving the list indizes[] to the script/gameObject
_WallMovement.initializeMovement ();
IEnumerator waitForMovement()
IEnumerator waitForMoving()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f);
When I separate this line
_WallMovement.initializeMovement ();
to another function, the game continues to work, but the wall doesnt move this time. The Indizes seem to not be initialized anymore. This however does not result in an error in the console.
Here is some additional code from my script:
This is what happens in the WallMovement script, that got attached to every cube of the wall:
public class WallMovement : MonoBehaviour {
public int[] indizes ;
int indize;
int modulo;
public void initializeMovement()
modulo = indizes [0] % 2;
if (modulo>0)
//do something
// do something else