I need to create an array from a mysql database organized like so
id description parentId
1 Level 1 0
2 Level 2 0
3 Level 1a 1
4 Level 1b 1
5 Level 1a1 3
6 Level 1a1a 5
So that the output is like this:
Level 1
Level 1a
Level 1a1
Level 1a1a
Level 1b
Level 2
However my current code only outputs to the second level and then makes every other child it's own parent. Below is the current code:
$query = "SELECT * FROM pB_test ORDER BY parentId ASC";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ('Database Error (' . mysql_errno() . ') ' . mysql_error());
$tree = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
if($row['parentId'] == 0)
$row['Children'] = array();
$tree[$row['id']] = array(
'id' => $row['id'],
'description' => $row['description'],
'parentId' => $row['parentId']
$tree[$row['parentId']]['Children'][$row['id']] = $row['description'];
$count = array_keys($tree);
foreach ($count as $array)
echo print_r($tree, true);
Any help or nudge in the right direction would be great. Cheers
Update: Working Code
$results = array();
$tree = null;
foreach($results as $result)
$thisref = &$refs->{$result['id']};
foreach($result as $k => $v)
$thisref->{$k} = $v;
if ($result['parentId'] == 0) {
$tree->{$result['id']} = &$thisref;
} else {
$refs->{$result['parentId']}->children->{$result['id']} = &$thisref;
$tree; // contains the newly sorted tree.