I have a webpage with 2 carousels in which I have to show different items depending on user actions.
The new data comes from the internet, I use fetch, parse the json into an array, all good.
Only problem is I can't have the new items replace the old ones in the carousel.
For a simple example I have tried
var carousel = $jq("#owl-genres");
for(...) {
.trigger('add.owl.carousel', [$jq('<div class="item">' + genres[i] + '</div>')])
but nothing happens. The old elements remains, although the methods executes and the .trigger
is executed.
I have also tried
for(...) {
content += '<div class=\'item\'>' + genres[i] + '</div>'
which indeed adds the new items to the carousel but they are now vertically stacked, the navigation doesn't work, I guess the whole carousel is broken.
So what's the correct way to replace the items in Owl Carousel 2?