Why won't this GLUT program compile? Am I miss

2020-03-30 01:34发布


I've just started using Linux (Mint 11), and recently, I decided to take up OpenGL programming as a hobby. I'm finding the code and techniques relatively simple enough, however, I'm having a hard time trying to get all the resources in the right place. The code is:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <GL/glew.h>
#ifdef __APPLE__
#  include <GLUT/glut.h>
#  include <GL/glut.h>

static int make_resources(void)
    return 1;

static void update_fade_factor(void)

static void render(void)
    glClearColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    glutInit(&argc, argv);
    glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE);
    glutInitWindowSize(400, 300);
    glutCreateWindow("Hello World");
    if (!GLEW_VERSION_2_0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "OpenGL 2.0 not available\n");
        return 1;
      if (!make_resources()) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load resources\n");
        return 1;

    return 0;

When I compile, I get the following messages

../../Libraries/glut-3.7/lib/glut/libglut.so||undefined reference to `glXQueryChannelRectSGIX'|
../../Libraries/glut-3.7/lib/glut/libglut.so||undefined reference to `glXChannelRectSyncSGIX'|
../../Libraries/glut-3.7/lib/glut/libglut.so||undefined reference to `glXChannelRectSGIX'|
../../Libraries/glut-3.7/lib/glut/libglut.so||undefined reference to `glXQueryChannelDeltasSGIX'|
../../Libraries/glut-3.7/lib/glut/libglut.so||undefined reference to `glXBindChannelToWindowSGIX'|
||=== Build finished: 5 errors, 0 warnings ===|

Looking online told me that I'm probably not including the right libraries (presumably libX), however I'm unsure of where I can find them, If they're even the right ones to use. I've already tried linking /usr/lib/X86_64-linux-gnu/libX11.so, /usr/lib/X11 contains neither library files nor a /lib directory, and I'm certain that the lib11-dev package is installed. What am I doing wrong?

OS: Linux Mint 11
IDE: Code::blocks 10.05
Following this tutorial. Note: I cannot find the x11r6 directories it refers to.


be sure you have installed libglew-dev and freeglut3-dev with

sudo apt-get install libglew-dev freeglut3-dev

and then link to this libs in your Makefile or compile command with

-lglut -lGLEE

for example

g++ -lglut -lGLEW -o test main.cpp

(this is how I compiled your example)


In Linux you don't specify the paths to the library files to link to, but only the library names. The linker knows a list of paths were to look for in the libraries. Also libraries contain references to all the other libraries they require. To compile/link a GLUT programm the following command line is usually sufficient