I am looking for a way to do a fuzzy match using regular expressions. I'd like to use Perl, but if someone can recommend any way to do this that would be helpful.
As an example, I want to match a string on the words "New York" preceded by a 2-digit number. The difficulty comes because the text is from OCR of a PDF, so I want to do a fuzzy match. I'd like to match:
12 New York
24 Hew York
33 New Yobk
and other "close" matches (in the sense of the Levenshtein distance), but not:
aa New York
11 Detroit
Obviously, I will need to specify the allowable distance ("fuzziness") for the match.
As I understand it, I cannot use the String::Approx
Perl module to do this, because I need to include a regular expression in my match (to match the preceding digits).
Also, I should note that this is a very simplified example of what I'm really trying to match, so I'm not looking for a brute-force approach.
Edited to add:
Okay, my first example was too simple. I didn't mean for people to get hung up on the preceding digits -- sorry about the bad example. Here's a better example. Consider this string:
What this actually says is:
What I need to do is extract the phrase "ALUSCHALME&S MANOTAC/rURINGCOMPANY" and "DELAY/ABE". (I realize this might seem like madness. But I'm an optimist.) In general, the pattern will look something like this:
/Assignor(, by mesne assignments,)? to (company name), a corporation of (state)/i
where the matching is fuzzy.
If you have one pattern you want to find the best match against a text collection you can try q-gram distance. It is quite easy to implement and adopt to special needs.
Your second description actually was helpful here, because the pattern and texts should be fairly long. q-gram distance does not work well with words like "York", but if your typical pattern is a whole address, that should be fine.
Try it like this:
- transform your texts and patterns into a reduced character set, like uppercase-only, stripping, wordifying (one space between words) all symbols replaced by "#" or something.
- choose a q-gram length, to work with. Try 3 or 2. We call this
- than, build a qgram-profile of each text:
- split each text into q-words, ie.
becomes [NEW, EW_, W_Y, _YO, ORK]
, store this away with each text.
- if you search for your pattern then, you do the same with your pattern,
- loop through your text-qgram-database and
- count for each pattern/text-pair how many qgrams are the same.
- each hit will raise the score by 1.
- the texts with the highest score(s) are your best hits.
If you did that you can tweak this algorithm by:
- prepend all you texts (and also the pattern before search), with
special chars, so even your short words will get a decent profile. For example New York
becomes ^^NEW YORK$$
- You can even play around with replacing all consonants with "x" and vowels with "o" and so on. Play around with a couple of character classes this way, or even create super symbols by replacing groups of character by one other, i.e. CK becomes K, or SCH becomes $.
- when raising the score by a qgram-hit you can adjust the value of 1 by other things, like length-difference of text vs pattern.
- store 2-grams and 3-grams both, and when counting, weigh then differently.
Note that this algorithm in the here described basic form does not have a good running time during search, i.e. O(|T|*|P|)
(with |T|
and |P|
the total lengths of your text and pattern). This is because I described that you loop over all your texts, and then over your pattern. Therefore this is only practical for a medium-sized texts-base. If you spend some thought, you can create an advanced index structure over the q-grams (maybe using hashtables), so this might be practical for huge texts-bases as well.
Regexes have specific rules, they aren't built for doing what you want. It's going to be much easier to make two passes at it. Use a regex to strip off the numbers and then use a module to get your match close.
Something like this (assuming your input is lines from a file)
while( my $line = <$fh> ) {
chomp $line;
# do we have digits?
if( $line =~ /^\d+/ ) {
# removes spaces and digits from the beginning of the line
$line =~ s/^[\d\s]*//g;
# use your module to determine if you have a match in the remaining text.
if( module_match ) {
# do something
else {
#no match
else {
# no match
Separate the problem into two parts:
- Match the double-digit number.
- Fuzzily match the residue against 'New York'.
In the example, you know that 'New York' consists of 2 words; you might be able to leverage that to eliminate alternatives like 'Detroit' (but not necessarily 'San Francisco') more easily.
You might even be able to use 'String::Approx' after all, though it mentions:
... the Text::Levenshtein and Text::LevenshteinXS modules in CPAN. See also Text::WagnerFischer and Text::PhraseDistance.
(My Perl was unable to find Text::PhraseDistance via CPAN - the others are available and install OK.)
You could try using something like Web 1T 5-gram Version 1 and a conditional likelihood maximization approach.
If I recall correctly, Chapter 14 of Beautiful Data is devoted to this data set and how to use it to spot spelling errors etc.
Have you considered a two-stage test, using regex to enforce the requirement of [0-9]{2,2} (.*)
, then capturing the remaining text and doing a fuzzy match on it? Try thinking of the problem as an intersection of a regular expression and a fuzzy string.
Well you can narrow down your candidates with Text::Levenshtein
to get the edit distance and grepping by a comparison to the limit.
But another idea is that you can take the correct form and create a hash keyed from near-misses pointing to the proper form so that those might become candidates as well.
For regexes, you possibly would have to use the experimental code sections, perhaps something like this:
m/ (?i: [new] | \p{Alpha} (?{ $misses++ }) ){2,4}
(?i: [york] | \p{Alpha} (?{ $misses++ }) ){3,5}
Although in this case, you'd probably have to have a regex per proper value. You probably want some flag indicating when you missed your target.
Rule of thumb: When you have to go to Stack Overflow and ask "How can I do X in a single regex?" you should consider doing X with more than just a single regex.
Based on your edits, I would do something like this:
while(<>) {
if(/assignor, by (\w+) (\w+), to (\w+), a (\w+) of (\w+)/i) {
# now use String::Approx to check that $1, $2, $3, $4, and $5 match
} else {
warn "Errors!\n";
I'm not giving you everything here. I didn't make the ", by (\w+) (\w+)"
bit optional to simplify the regex so you could get the gist of it. To do that you'll probably need to resort to named captures and the (?:)
non-capturing group. I didn't feel like delving into all that, just wanted to help you understand how I would approach this.
Remember: If you have to ask "How do I do it all in a single regex?" you should stop trying to do it all in a single regex.
Did you look into using Jarkko’s String::Approx module on CPAN? It has the agrep
algorithm in it, but is much slower than Udi’s.
Although you specified perl, there is a useful algorithm built into R that implements Levenshtein edit distances.
This command also allows the use of any regular expression or pattern to match. I would recommend you look at it. http://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/agrep.html