I have a shopping cart data, which look like the sample dataframe below:
#sample data frame
clientid ProductA QuantityA ProductB QuantityB
1 1 chair 1 table 3
2 2 table 2 doll 1
3 3 plate 1 shoes 2
4 4 plate 1
10 10 chair 2 plate 1
I would like to transform it into different format, which will be like:
#ideal data frame
clientid ProductNumber Product Quantity
1 1 A chair 1
2 1 B table 3
3 2 A table 2
4 2 B doll 1
11 6 A chair 1
17 10 A chair 2
18 10 B plate 1
I have tried
sample_df_gather<- sample_df %>% select(clientid, ProductA, ProductB)
%>% gather(ProductNumber, value, -clientid) %>% filter(!is.na(value))
#this gives me
clientid ProductNumber value
1 1 ProductA chair
2 2 ProductB table
3 3 ProductA plate
4 4 ProductB plate
However, I don't know how to add Quantity to the data frame. Also, in the actual data frame, there are more columns such as Title, price, which I would like to transform into the ideal data frame as well. Is there a way to transform the data into the ideal format?