I have a pandas data set that looks like this
city difference
NY 6
SF 8
LA 8
NY 9
SF 10
I want to sum up the values of the difference
column based on the city
column so that my final data set looks like
city difference total difference
NY 6 15
NY 9
LA 8 8
SF 10 10
I tried
df['total difference'] = df.groupby('city')['difference'].sum()
but it didn't work. I even tried How to sum values of particular rows in pandas? but got NaN
values for the new column. Please help!
I think you need transform
df['total difference'] = df.groupby('city')['difference'].transform(sum)
print (df)
city difference total difference
0 NY 6 15
1 SF 8 18
2 LA 8 8
3 NY 9 15
4 SF 10 18
And if need sort column also:
df['total difference'] = df.groupby('city')['difference'].transform('sum')
df = df.sort_values('city')
print (df)
city difference total difference
2 LA 8 8
0 NY 6 15
3 NY 9 15
1 SF 8 18
4 SF 10 18
I was interested about differences in functions and timings are very similar:
#[10000000 rows x 2 columns]
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(1000, size=(10000000,2)), columns=['city','difference'])
#print (df)
In [293]: %timeit (df.groupby('city')['difference'].transform('sum'))
1 loop, best of 3: 570 ms per loop
In [294]: %timeit (df.groupby('city')['difference'].transform(sum))
1 loop, best of 3: 567 ms per loop
In [295]: %timeit (df.groupby('city')['difference'].transform(np.sum))
1 loop, best of 3: 561 ms per loop