I'm trying to use Google API (PHP) to perform a daily sync between a system calendar and the user's Google Calendars. I want a system user to be able to set up access to their calendar once from within the system, then the system can synchronise the calendars each day via a cron job.
I have managed to get the entire process working, from authorising the access to syncing the calendars, but I am getting stuck with the token expiry times.
The way I thought it worked in v3 was the old token would act as the refresh token. So, once a user had provided authorisation, I just need to pass the old token to Google and it would allow me to run the sync.
This seems to work, as long as I am within the 1 hour expiry time of the initial token. Once an hour passes, it stops working and I need to get the user to authorise access again.
Is there a way to get the user to authorise access once, then sync the calendars once per day without the user having to authorise access again?