Java Hibernate Criteria select subclass

2020-03-28 01:21发布


I want to use the Criteria API to select entities by taking the input from a search value. A document can have more recipients. A recipient has many subclasses

public class Document implements Serializable {
  private List<Recipient> recipients = new ArrayList<Recipient>();

public class RecipientAccount extends Recipient {
  String name;

How can i select all documents which have a ReciepientAccount with a certain name? I need to do search all subclasses and connect them with an OR. Is there an elegant way?

greetings m


The following should work:

Criteria c = session.createCriteria(Document.class, "document");
c.createAlias("document.recipients", "recipient");
c.add("recipient.class", Arrays.asList(SubClass1.class, 
c.add(Restrictions.eq("", theName));