In my app the user has to insert a name in the textformfield. While the user is writing a query should be made to the database, that controls if the name already exists. This query returns the number of how many times the name exists. Till now I am able to make it when I press a button.
This is the function that returns the count of the names:
checkRecipe(String name) async{
await db.create();
int count = await db.checkRecipe(name);
print("Count: "+count.toString());
if(count > 0) return "Exists";
And this is the TextFormField, which should be validated async:
controller: recipeDescription,
decoration: InputDecoration(
hintText: "Beschreibe dein Rezept..."
keyboardType: TextInputType.multiline,
maxLines: null,
maxLength: 75,
validator: (text) async{ //Returns an error
int count = await checkRecipe(text);
if (count > 0) return "Exists";
The error of the code is:
The argument type Future can't be assigned to the parameter type String
I do know what the error means. But I do not know how to work around could look like. It would be awesome if somebody could help me.
I have found a solution.
My Code looks now like this:
//My TextFormField validator
validator: (value) => checkRecipe(value) ? "Name already taken" : null,
//the function
checkRecipe<bool>(String name) {
bool _recExist = false;
if(val > 0) {
setState(() {
_recExist = true;
} else {
setState(() {
_recExist = false;
return _recExist;