Basically, I want to create a custom progressview that will have different colors depending on the progress value. It should look like the following:
Basically, I want to create a custom progressview that will have different colors depending on the progress value. It should look like the following:
Or you can look at this library
1) Create an image that has the desired color gradient in some image editing program.
2) Put the image into your asset library.
3) Generate a UIImage instance from the respective image.
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"imageName"];
4) Assign the UIImage instance to the progressImage
property of UIProgressView.
self.progressView. progressImage = image;
Swift 5
My approach was this, hope this helps you. I piled 4 progres bars on top of each other and inside a stackView.
struct statsData {
var number: Int
var name: String
var color: UIColor
var data: [statsData] = []
data += [statsData(number: participants.filter{ $0.CATEGORY == "yde"}.count, name: "young", color: #colorLiteral(red: 0.02044569142, green: 0.5364668965, blue: 0.7812533975, alpha: 1)), statsData(number: participants.filter{ $0.CATEGORY == "del"}.count, name: "Delegate", color: #colorLiteral(red: 0.01050937176, green: 0.2793724537, blue: 0.4485790133, alpha: 1)), statsData(number: participants.filter{ $0.CATEGORY == "spk"}.count, name: "Speaker", color: #colorLiteral(red: 0.7677220702, green: 0.6388614774, blue: 0.03215418011, alpha: 1)), statsData(number: participants.filter{ $0.CATEGORY == "acc"}.count, name: "Companion", color: #colorLiteral(red: 0.9999409318, green: 0.5844026208, blue: 0.5724465251, alpha: 1))]
func percentageBar(){
data = data.sorted{ $0.number < $1.number }
// Front
Bar0.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1, y: 3)
Bar0.layer.cornerRadius = 4
Bar0.clipsToBounds = true
Bar0.progress = Float(100.0 / Float(total) * Float(data[0].number))/100
Bar0.tintColor = data[0].color
Bar1.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1, y: 3)
Bar1.layer.cornerRadius = 4
Bar1.clipsToBounds = true
Bar1.progress = Float(100.0 / Float(total) * Float(data[0].number + data[1].number))/100
Bar1.tintColor = data[1].color
Bar2.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1, y: 3)
Bar2.layer.cornerRadius = 4
Bar2.clipsToBounds = true
Bar2.progress = Float(100.0 / Float(total) * Float(data[0].number + data[1].number + data[2].number))/100
Bar2.tintColor = data[2].color
// Back
Bar3.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1, y: 3)
Bar3.layer.cornerRadius = 4
Bar3.clipsToBounds = true
Bar3.layer.sublayers![1].cornerRadius = 4
Bar3.subviews[1].clipsToBounds = true
Bar3.progress = Float(100.0 / Float(total) * Float(data[0].number + data[1].number + data[2].number + data[3].number))/100
Bar3.tintColor = data[3].color