as_of_dt_prev_year=$($as_of_dt -d '-1 year' +'%Y-%m-%d')
echo $as_of_dt_prev_year
This does not work. error: -d: command not found
However this works if we use '$date' instead of $as_of_dt.
as_of_dt_prev_year=$($as_of_dt -d '-1 year' +'%Y-%m-%d')
echo $as_of_dt_prev_year
This does not work. error: -d: command not found
However this works if we use '$date' instead of $as_of_dt.
Played around with it. This seems to work:
as_of_dt_prev_year=$(date --date="${as_of_dt} -1 year" +'%Y-%m-%d')
echo $as_of_dt_prev_year
Note the double quotes that are needed for variable substitution to work.