I have text File of Size 230MB. I want to Count Number of Lines OF that File.
I tried "Scripting.FileSystemOblect
" but it goes out Of memory.
Please Help.
I have text File of Size 230MB. I want to Count Number of Lines OF that File.
I tried "Scripting.FileSystemOblect
" but it goes out Of memory.
Please Help.
Normal Windows line breaks are CRLF, so you can count the LFs and add 1 to the count in cases where the last line of your files doesn't have one after it.
In true VB (i.e. VB5, VB6, etc.) you can make use of the byte-oriented String operations to speed many tasks. If we can assume the text files contain ANSI then this is pretty fast:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Main()
Const BUFSIZE As Long = 100000
Dim T0 As Single
Dim LfAnsi As String
Dim F As Integer
Dim FileBytes As Long
Dim BytesLeft As Long
Dim Buffer() As Byte
Dim strBuffer As String
Dim BufPos As Long
Dim LineCount As Long
T0 = Timer()
LfAnsi = StrConv(vbLf, vbFromUnicode)
F = FreeFile(0)
Open "big.txt" For Binary Access Read As #F
FileBytes = LOF(F)
ReDim Buffer(BUFSIZE - 1)
BytesLeft = FileBytes
Do Until BytesLeft = 0
If BufPos = 0 Then
If BytesLeft < BUFSIZE Then ReDim Buffer(BytesLeft - 1)
Get #F, , Buffer
strBuffer = Buffer 'Binary copy of bytes.
BytesLeft = BytesLeft - LenB(strBuffer)
BufPos = 1
End If
Do Until BufPos = 0
BufPos = InStrB(BufPos, strBuffer, LfAnsi)
If BufPos > 0 Then
LineCount = LineCount + 1
BufPos = BufPos + 1
End If
Close #F
'Add 1 to LineCount if last line of your files do not
'have a trailing CrLf.
MsgBox "Counted " & Format$(LineCount, "#,##0") & " lines in" & vbNewLine _
& Format$(FileBytes, "#,##0") & " bytes of text." & vbNewLine _
& Format$(Timer() - T0, "0.0#") & " seconds."
End Sub
Given a 7,000,000 line file of 293MB it only takes 0.7 seconds here. But note that I had not rebooted to ensure that the file wasn't cached when I ran that test. Without caching (i.e. after a reboot) I'd expect it to take as long as 5 times that.
Converting to handle Unicode text files is fairly simple. Just replace the B-functions by the non-B equivalents, make sure you set BUFSIZE to a multiple of 2, and search for vbLf
instead of an ANSI LF byte.
You can do it by reading each line into the same variable. There's no need to save all the lines:
dim s as string
dim n as integer
open "filename.txt" for input as 1
n = 0
do while not eof(1)
line input #1, s
n = n + 1
This has not been tested, and it's been a while since I've done any VB6, but it should be close.
This takes about 6 seconds for me on a 480mb binary file with 1mil+ 0xD (vbcr)
Dim buff() As Byte
Dim hF As Integer
Dim i As Long, n As Long
hF = FreeFile(0)
Open "c:\windows\Installer\2f91fd.msp" For Binary Access Read As #hF
ReDim buff(LOF(hF) - 1)
Get #hF, , buff()
Close #hF
For i = 0 To UBound(buff)
If buff(i) = 13 Then n = n + 1
MsgBox n