Whatever size i give to it while allocation, it shows fixed size only. Is it possible to increase it?
activityIndicator = [[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithFrame:
CGRectMake(142.00, 212.00, 80.0, 80.0)];
[[self view] addSubview:activityIndicator];
[activityIndicator sizeToFit];
activityIndicator.autoresizingMask = (UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin |
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin |
UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleTopMargin |
activityIndicator.hidesWhenStopped = YES;
activityIndicator.activityIndicatorViewStyle = UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge;
The size is fixed by the style. It's a standardized interface element so the API doesn't like to fiddle with it.
However, you probably could do a scaling transform on it. Not sure how that would affect it visually, however.
Just from a UI design perspective, its usually better to leave these common standardized elements alone. User have been taught that certain elements appear in a certain size and that they mean specific things. Altering the standard appearance alters the interface grammar and confuses the user.
The following will create an activity indicator 15px wide:
#import <QuartzCore/QuartzCore.h>
UIActivityIndicatorView *activityIndicator = [[[UIActivityIndicatorView alloc] initWithActivityIndicatorStyle:UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray] autorelease];
activityIndicator.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(0.75, 0.75);
[self addSubview:activityIndicator];
While I understand the sentiment of TechZen's answer, I don't think adjusting the size of a UIActivityIndicator by a relatively small amount is really a violation of Apple's standardized interface idioms - whether an activity indicator is 20px or 15px won't change a user's interpretation of what's going on.
It is possible to resize UIActivityIndicator.
CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1.5f, 1.5f);
activityIndicator.transform = transform;
Original size is 1.0f. Now you increase and reduce size accordingly.
Swift 3.0 & Swift 4.0
self.activityIndi.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 3, y: 3)
var activityIndicator = UIActivityIndicatorView()
activityIndicator = UIActivityIndicatorView(activityIndicatorStyle: UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle.gray)
activityIndicator.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 50, height: 50)
let transform: CGAffineTransform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1.5, y: 1.5)
activityIndicator.transform = transform
activityIndicator.center = self.view.center
Here is an extension that would work with Swift 3.0 & checks to prevent 0 scaling (or whatever value you want to prohibit):
extension UIActivityIndicatorView {
func scale(factor: CGFloat) {
guard factor > 0.0 else { return }
transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: factor, y: factor)
Call it like so to scale to 40 pts (2x):
activityIndicatorView.scale(factor: 2.0)
There also are lots of other useful "CGAffineTransform" tricks you can play with. For more details please see Apple Developer Library reference:
Good luck!
The best you can do is use the whiteLarge
let i = UIActivityIndicatorView(activityIndicatorStyle: UIActivityIndicatorViewStyle.whiteLarge)
Increasing the size of UIActivityIndicatorView
does not change the size of the indicator proper, as you can see in these pictures.